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Hey, hey, hey y'all! *Shines a pearly grin at current reader. Yup, that's you.*

I'm so giddy with joy to have you reading this humble epistolary novel. I believe it is a testimony that God has been good to you.
And in case as you stare at this you're screaming, "Slow down Miss Goody-two-shoes. My life has been a wreck. How can you just jump into the conclusion that God has been good to me?" Well, let me say that everyone has had their share of bad days in their lifetime, even me. But it doesn't change the fact that only God is the real definition of 'good', believe it or not. However darling, rest assured, God will turn you mourning into dancing soon, so long as you believe in him. And I hope this little book plays a part in that process.

So... I'm back, with my bestie, Sweet Holy Spirit, holding my hands. 

This book is dedicated to my first and only love, the one without which I'd still be lost. He is unveiling himself to me in ways I could have never imagined. He's letting me know the power of words because He is the Word. He it is who teaches my hands to write and my fingers to tell of his amazing love. His name is Jesus Christ, and in case you don't know, let me officially announce that He, not even our beloved Radiance Abraham, is the lead character of this book. Don't tell me you never knew. After all, this entire book is a series of detailed letters to Him.

I want to really appreciate everyone who is here, probably for the first time or with excitement as a result of reading my other works. Sincerely, you guys are the best.
Thank you for your support on my first book, A Pastor's Daughter's Diary. All the heart-warming comments and criticism went a long way into the making of this book. (*whispers* if you haven't read it, you're commiting a mortal crime. Just head on to my profile and click on that shiny book drawing you in for a ride).

I also appreciate my amazing family and friends who keep cheering me on and making me believe I can do it even when I feel like I can't.

I'm so excited to begin this. I want to see where the Lord will take us. For the record, if I tell you that I have this whole book written out somewhere or even planned, I'd be a big liar. I have officially dubbed myself the award of the biggest pantser of all history. So, I cannot promise a really fast update. But I'll keep updating as the Lord will have me and if my Architecture course in university doesn't murder me.

The picture above was the first book cover I made. But many people seemed to prefer the official one I finally used. But seeing this one was my very first baby, I just couldn't abandon it, so here it is.

Without further ado, let's dive into Radiance's adventures shall we?

I hope your mind gets blown away and your spirit lifted and your life transformed.

By the way, I'll be so happy if you could share this story, add it to your special reading list and recommend it to your friends. Voting and letting me know you exist by commenting (cos, pfft ghost readers scare me) will also be really cool.

Enough of my ranting. Now, off you go into the first chapter...

Yours in Christ,

A College Seeress' DiaryWhere stories live. Discover now