The First Glimpse

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Dear Jesus,

I think I'm getting used to my glasses.
I also think collegians are mature; I haven't been teased about it so far by anyone. I have actually seen quite a few others who are also glasses-wearers. Seriously, I'll agree it makes us look like cool sages. Cheers to all my co-fellows who wear spectacles (except it gets to the extreme range of wire-rimmed Pepsi-bottle-bottom thickness googles! Those are scary).

Yes, aches from my eyes get really bad when I stare too long at my phone's screen.
The worst thing is that the medicine is beginning to disgust me, and it hasn't reached a week since I started using it.
All I have to do is think about the smell and then the trouble of how it has to go down my throat and yuck, I'll feel like vomiting.
So much for being a medical student.

Plus, it's hard to remember to take medication when my mind is so caught up with this registration, that payment, and thither form to fill.
My mom was always the one who reminded me to take my medicine via phone calls and chats. Sigh... What would I ever do without her?

Even if she didn't, the occasional bouts of pain would have done the job well enough.

Jesus, I was so worried, even after my talk with you, that Felicia and her baby wouldn't make it. The time was way too early for her to put to bed.
It made me toss even more on my bed when no one called me for a long time to tell me about what was going on.
My parents weren't online and none of them were picking up when I tried to call to inquire.

Holy Priesthood was kinda on hold. Only Priscilla (who private messaged me that she's already in college and was allocated to Ruby Suites where she just got settled in), Kathy and Nathan were online.

Praises be to thy name, Lord of all flesh! You're just too much.
Around 10:00pm that night, the room shook with my squeals of joy when I received news from my parents that Felicia had come out of the CS successfully.

The unapproachable goddess Portia who had been bobbing her head as she listened to music on her headphones (I'm at that point when my flesh is tempting me to take that thing secretly one day and smash it to the ground. Maybe then, she'll loosen up to me and begin to act as if I'm her roommate and not some piece of furniture), heard my jubilation.
She pried one ear of the headphone off, and looked at me queerly as if I was truly an Halloween ghost come to haunt her. I didn't give a hoot about what she thought. I just went on jumping and shouting HALLELUJAH!

The baby, though premature, was a cute and pretty little girl. They sent me the picture of the child in a glass enclosure supported with tubes.
My heart melted at the sight. Children are indeed heritages of the Lord and not one of them is a mistake, no matter the circumstance surrounding their birth.

Did I tell you that that night, I had the latest dinner I had ever eaten?
On one part, I had no appetite, too caught up with my fretting over Felicia to care about my rumbling stomach.
On the other, I was too lazy to fix something for myself.

It was while Portia was tinkering in the kitchenette that night, probably looking for a late-night snack to munch on, after already devouring three healthy meals in one day (unlike I who had had only cereal since morning), that I knew I could bear to torture my body no longer.
For heaven's sake, I hadn't intended to fast that day!

Now, I'm starting to regret my almost non-existent cooking skill. These are moments when I feel like I could cry, and play sick so I can have an excuse to return home to the aroma and taste of homemade dishes. Remembering that I am miles away from my home, I bravely squish that plan.

Anyways, it wasn't till 9pm that I tossed pasta noodles to boil on the cooker.
Wanting to quell the guilt nagging at the back of my head, I made sure to dice some pepper, carrots, green peas and onions into it so that I could convince myself that the food was a balanced diet; and hey, I am young, so it didn't matter that I was eating so late. I served myself the noodles with boiled eggs and topped it off with a hot, creamy Cadbury cocoa.

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