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Dear Jesus,

When I came to, Pastor Fremont was seated behind his desk, intently scribbling something in a notepad.
He smiled at me as I stirred and asked how I felt.
I felt alive, and as I gathered myself to a proper position, I told him just that. He chuckled in pure mirth and said he knew the feeling.

He ripped off the sheet he was writing on and handed it to me. I glanced at it. It was a compilation of handy seer and vision-related scriptures I was going to need in the days ahead. How thoughtful.

After I had satisfied my curious mind by asking a couple more questions from him, I politely made to leave. Before I headed out though, he gave me his complimentary card and told me to contact him anytime, in case I had questions or needed help and support.

I boarded a public bus, feeling as light as a breeze, not in the bit perturbed by the chaos and darkness I could vividly see swirling around me.
So long as there was a speck of light or two in the dark, I knew there was hope. The fear was gone.

My next stop, according to my mental to-do list, was Sarafoods. I wanted to surprise Mommy Sarah. You know, Boom! Jack-in-the-box style. I wondered what her reaction would be.

I feel connected,
It's like you're sitting right with me all the time,
You hear me,
You're near me,
And everything else's gonna be alright,
'Cause nothing can break this, nothing can break this, nothing can break this tie,

It's been a while since I last watched a Barbie movie, but this particular song kept ringing in my head, and it couldn't more accurately describe the state of my heart towards you.

When I got down at the bus stop and strolled beneath the hot afternoon sun towards Sarafoods, I rehearsed my lines and moves.

Blend in, let her find you herself, and give her your most charming smile. Bingo.

The bell jingled as I walked in. My, oh my, this place was a flurry of activities. More staff. More customers than when Mommy Sarah had first resumed back after being healed from her illness.
I had been part of her helping hand team. Me and John. Sigh, those days.

The place had been renovated, with its new homey decor, a clear view of what was happening outside for the front seaters and a view of the miniature park/garden on its side. Impressive.

And of course, the spiritual vista was exotic. Many angels were present. Even the demons occupying some of the people got immobilised once their host stepped into these premises.

I took the nearest seat opposite the door and relaxed as I savoured the view.

A waiter respectfully came over to me.
She was a girl about my age and she wore a brand new customized apron with Sarafoods in bold scrawled across it.
She looked nervous as she asked what I'd like for lunch in the most lively tone she could manage.

I looked up from the menu I had been examining and smiled at her to ease her tension.

"I'll like to have a plate of french fries with ketchup, and a banana smoothie, please."

She shuffled off to get my order.
I pulled out my phone, with a sudden urge to call someone. I fiddled with my device, trying to find something to hand me a viable excuse not to call who was on my mind.
I mean, pfft, it was weird, me calling him first. I didn't want to be the desperate little leech.

I scrolled past his name and found my bestie's number. After two rings and no response from Kathy, I guessed she was either busy or attending lectures.

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