The Great White Wall

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Dear Jesus,

*Hops about like an excited kangaroo bouncing on a trampoline.*

So, so, so, I finally found my special, new Holy Coven. *Squeals*.
Gosh, I'm so excited. I still feel tingly all over. It had to be the first thing I penned down on getting back to my room after spending close to three hours in the secret place. (Yeah, I broke a time record, which is one of the reasons I'm so excited. I lost track of time there.)
I don't know why each experience always feels more adventurous and better than the last in your presence.

It happened after my PHY101 class. Or should I say, it began right from the middle of the class.
I haven't been able to keep my mind off the weeping tree phenomenon, which, strangely, is still occuring.

I remembered what Gloria, my guardian angel, taught me to do anytime I am confused. Meditation.
And I guess I've been getting really good in that aspect. It's getting easier and quicker to tune in to your frequency at any time I want to, Lord. And vice versa.

Anyways, I was in class and the lecturer was showing us, on a projector, how to work out some vector problems. The bald, lanky man, Prof. Nemoln was really good at his job. I had no doubt that if I had payed attention during his teaching, I would have learnt a lot. However, my mind was in another plane.

The scripture that kept ringing so loud in my spirit was one of the verses I read when I was having my quiet time this morning.

Psalms 65:4
Blessed is the man whom thou choosest, and causest to approach unto thee, that he may dwell in thy courts: we shall be satisfied with the goodness of thy house, even of thy holy temple.

Just remembering the scripture made my eyes water. This blessedness is what I covet desperately. I want to dwell in your presence always. I want to dine with you and carry your aura all over me such that anyone who comes close to me will know certainly that I have been with Jesus. I want to win souls for you, Lord (I have been failing woefully in that assignment. Guilt is beginning to eat me up. A sense of urgency keeps nagging at the back of my mind). And there's the issue of Portia and her noncha—

"Psst... Psst... Radiance," a tiny voice whispered harshly. I rolled my eyes.
It was almost impossible to hear Shelly's voice cos of the din of learning students that were in sync with the lecturer. I could almost picture myself floating up in the air and Shelly girl has just shattered my flow. Urgh!

I turned my head reluctantly to the back. She was seated two rows behind me.
She gestured with a questioning eye.
I shrugged back, not understanding. 

Of course I can't read your mind, gurl. Why did you interrupt me? The lecturer mustn't catch me in this compromising situation, my mind complained.

She hunched over her desk, quickly scribbled something on a piece of paper and threw it at me. This girl had turned me into a miscreant in class. This was one of the reasons I preferred seating at the front to prevent distractions.

As I made a painful expression and rubbed the place the paper hit me, my eye caught someone, a guy, staring intently at me like he was observing a rare specimen.
It was none other than Mike, the official class geek who was puffed-up brat and at other points just made you wonder where his brain was fashioned from.
He was one of the crew that went up with us to the tallest view on campus. As I later came to recall, he had actually been the guy who sat near me on the day of our departmental orientation. Do you remember.

There was almost no question he couldn't answer, virtually no problem he couldn't solve. He was the final go-to bus stop when all other options had failed.
Sigh... The guy gives me the creeps. And, I've analyzed the entire class's intellectual capacity. From what I have seen so far, he's my major competition.
I'll talk about his own episode in another entry.

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