Confirm: The Torn Veil

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Dear Jesus,

Mom and Dad were stunned to silence. They watched my joyous display with gaping mouths and incredulous expressions.

Dad kept muttering something to himself as he paced when I had settled and recounted all that had transpired, while Mom came over and pulled me into a sobbing hug. We all soon knelt and praised you sincerely for this unexpected miracle.

To be safe, they both suggested that they take me to the hospital for a check up.
I knew they didn't doubt—the evidence of my perfect healing was glaring. But, you know, just in case...
Besides, Mom said, she'd had it in mind that since we were all home we should go for a family check up. 

Meanwhile, while they deliberated, I was trying to come to terms with another startling, latest development.

The veil to the spiritual realm was completely torn. I could see both sides simultaneously.
It's going to take a while to get used to seeing both side at the same time.

I stood transfixed awhile, gawking at the many angels I saw strolling and flitting about the living room.
Mom was the first to notice my shaken expression.
I couldn't say much because, at that time, she'd just crossed through an big angel to come touch my shoulder and ask what was wrong.

"Dad, Mom, I can see. Much more than before. And it's overlapping. It's permanent. Not on and off like before," I said, looking around in awe.

The two dimensions clashing meant a lot of rule of physics were being broken before my very eyes.
The angels took up much space and crossed through physical barriers like they were nothing.

Oh, did I mention that while the physical panorama was in ROYGBIV colours, the spiritual was more like highly defined with many more colours undiscovered by man? That was one thing that helped me distinguish between what was visible to the natural eye and what wasn't.

My next concern was how I was going to survive the trip to the hospital and back.
How I was going to survive ever stepping outside the house?
Could this seer gift be controlled by my will? Or was it going to be solely as God wished, or *gasp*, permanent forever?

Till now, I still have lots of questions burning in my head, lots of training to go through.
Gloria is smiling at me mischievously even as I write. And I'm giving her the stink eye. She's aggravating, in a relaxing way. Never could have asked for a better guardian angel.
High five, Gloria.

Back to what I was writing, I had my bath with joy, not in the least disturbed by the globs of light I saw dancing around.
Glad to be back in the fashion game, I donned my best navy blue Jean and a silver-studded cream boat-necked top. 

Outside the boundary of our home—which I could clearly see had a lofty wall of blue-green fire around its perimeter—there was a twisted, never-ending war between light and darkness.

It was so awful that I looked away from the sight, swallowed back saliva to keep from puking, laid face down in the back seat of the car and prayed all through the ride.

There was more darkness than light dominating out there.
My only comfort was that we had angelic escorts that prevented the leering demons from coming too close.
I was scared those devils knew I could see them.

Gloria's hand was on my shoulder all throughout the ride.
The tingling sensation on my seals were acute and I couldn't be more comforted by the reminder of your ever abiding presence.
My senses were on overload and I felt my nerves would wear thin if I didn't normalize soon.

The hospital—First Hope, our go-to place for all medical-related things—was horrific.
Yikes! Was this where I and others casually stroll into freely from time to time?

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