In His Presence

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Dear Jesus,

I slept early yesternight after watching an animation movie, Justin and the Knights of Valour, with my parents.
I was snuggled between them, a bowl of popcorn and a bottle of sweet yoghurt before us.

When I woke up, it was 4:00 am.
I was tempted to roll back to sleep, but I resisted the urge and instead forced myself to sit up since I couldn't particularly kneel.

I took ample moments to worship. To be real with you. No big words or complex vocab.
I came just the way I was, stuttering at first, but picking up the flow as I began to recount all your goodness.

I don't think I asked for anything specific. Just you.
Being in your presence made everything fade off.

I took my Bible when the worship crescendo had plateaued and flipped it over to Psalms.

The Song of Ascents after the longest chapter in the Bible were the passages I focused on.
The one that grabbed me the most was Psalm 127.

I meditated and really went deep into the juicy parts of that scripture. The Holy Spirit kept pouring the revelations into my mind at a pace so fast I couldn't keep up writing them. So, I just allowed you to speak to my spirit.

I soaked it in, overwhelmed by what was being revealed to me.

"You're amazing Lord," I finally said when I felt a pause.

"I sure am," You comically replied in my spirit.

I chuckled. A tear worked down my cheeks as a wave of your love entered my heart.

It was odd that the moments when I was in the most pitiable states were the times I enjoyed the greatest degrees of intimacy and closeness to you.

"I have listened to your word, Lord. What would you have me do?"

"I want you to start by waiting on me tomorrow. Three days dry fast. It's going to be hard and epic. I have so much to show and tell you. The time is now when my Sons and Daughters will fully manifest my glory."
You said it with such enthusiasm that I felt my heart leap.

I could have started today, but I had to take the last dose of my medication.

"Of course, Lord. Anything for you. And I can't wait too."

"I love you, Radiance."
I heard those words like the whisper of a love-struck bridegroom in my ear. It made my heart melt and go all Awwnnn.

I burst into a combo of tears and a big grin as I felt the depth of that simple statement.

"I can never get tired of hearing you say that, Jesus. I love you too. With all my heart," I cried/said.

I then blew love kisses up and imagined your gleeful hands capturing them into a special golden bottle.

Indeed, Your love is sweeter than wine.
I sat there just breathing Your air, never wanting to leave, enjoying the soft strokes of your loving hands. All these were happening in my spirit.

"Now, now, Ray," You said abruptly, jolting me out of my bliss, "You don't want to be late for service."

I checked my phone and saw 6:37 am glaring back at me.

Ah! Less than 30 minutes to church time.
How did time slip so fast? Did Mom and Dad oversleep?

I didn't even realize it was already that long because my window blind was down.

I reluctantly rounded up our sweet fellowship and carefully picked myself out of my bed.

I slugged to the bathroom and carefully washed as I hummed a happy love song because I could still feel the lingering of your presence.

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