Pain Rain

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Dear Jesus,

I woke at the wee hours of dawn from a terrible, nerve-wracking dream, feeling nauseous.
Blood, gore, destruction, death, darkness in the lands. It was worse than the worst dystopian apocalypse movies portray.

I felt like a typical herald of doom. This thing was really disturbing, and I needed to get my bearing and direction fast, or else I'd just go crazy.

Trembling, I stumbled to the bathroom and splashed my face with cold water.
I looked at my reflection in the mirror. My eyes were puffed and tinted red, my hair a squirrel's nest.

Lord, I cried. Please, please, what do you want me to do? I can't just see and be clueless about what to do. I'm getting exhausted. And this is only the beginning? Please...

In the mirror, I saw dancing globs of light slowly materialising behind me. I instinctively knew it was Gloria.
When her form became clearly visible, I watched star-struck as she spread her wing out and began fanning them gently.

Oh, the waves of your comfort and love. I'm def gonna need this now more than ever.

Gloria placed her hand on my shoulder and gave me a straight face as she sent a silent message.

I looked back at her calmed, stunned, perplexed.
The next thing I knew, I went back to the room with a vague sense of direction. I had to go out. Immediately.

I opened my wardrobe and slung a thick woollen oversized hoodie over my frame and zipped it. I took my phone and hands-free from the bed.

I didn't know why but during my first day of fasting, I had this unexplainable leading to do something unusual. I took a bunch of coloured notes and scribbled some pretty basic scriptural truths centred on you on them.
I thought it was the effect of boredom, but now I know better.

'Jesus loves you.'

'Jesus heals.'

'Jesus restores.'

'Jesus saves and delivers.'

I picked up the one on top and shoved it into my back pocket.

I didn't want to unnecessarily bother Dad and Mom from their sleep because they had a long day yesterday. And besides, I doubted they'd support me going outside into the cold and dark for no definite reason. So, I quietly stole my way down the stairs, carefully clicked the door open and snuck outside.

Frosty air hit me in the face and I drew my hood over my head. I unlocked my hibernated-for-three-days phone using my secret password—YESHUA HAMASHIACH. Swiping to my favourite music playlist of deep and soaking worship songs, I started down the street in a groggy walk. Soon, I was trotting in a jog. I passed the Taylor's and Mrs Hewlett's house. I wondered what they'd think if they later found out that I was home.

As I moved, many spiritual sights greeted me in the dim lights. Many of which I had to look away from. Of demons fluttering freely in the sky. Of slimy serpentines wrapped about some buildings. Of bats and strange creatures with glowing eyes.

Gloria flew by me, stabilizing me and urging me to focus on the worship and to speak in other tongues.

I jogged with resolve to the estate's park and further down to the lake.

When I got there and saw the glimmering water under the dim moonlight, I was moved beyond words by the beauty of your creation.
I stood there staring at the ripples for a long time.

One lone ranger, a towering man who I guessed was the one who owned the only car I had seen parked in the lot, slowly drew near.
I shuddered and panicked, suddenly fearing for my safety.
I was out here alone, my parents had no idea where I was, and this man, who I could now see had three demons holding him in chains, was headed for me.

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