The Secret Place

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Dear Jesus,

I sat at the GWW, the creek to be precise, and meditated, allowing the soft sound of water trickling down the rocky bed to do its nerve-calming trick.

If anything, I just wanted all the pending issues I had bottled inside of me to just disappear.

Still, I sat, waiting, listening knowing you were with me. As always. 

But focusing on the confusion currently swarming my life was making me nervous and scared. Trying to rationalize it all, trying to figure it out using the logical route... It was exhausting and frustrating.

After some minutes of frustrated musings, I chose the better way. To fix my gaze on you and you alone.

I sat in a more comfy position on the lush grass and focused my spiritual eyes on you.

Jesus, my oasis. My booth from the desert heat. My everything...
Jesus, my rock and fortress, a friend that sticks closer than a brother...
Jesus, my life, my anchor when the storms blow, my Lord and my God...
Jesus, the one who takes away all my burdens...
I love you so very dearly, My Lord...

At first, everything was black and blank, but slowly the physical senses of sound and feeling faded off and I felt myself being transported to another realm.

Not often had this happened before but I guessed because I was fasting and my senses were more in tune with spiritual realities, it was easier for me to transcend to the spiritual realm.

It was a wonderful feeling, like a child being told to wade or swim in a pool of ice cream of all imaginable flavours and honeyed popcorn. Only a billion times better, and with no future health disadvantages, of course.

When the swift, floating movement stopped, I opened my eyes slowly.
Without the help of my usual glasses, I could see everything vividly.

Immediately, I recognized this place.
It was the same meadow we once sat by in my past supernatural experience.
The purple and blue streaks of lighting scarred the sky and the soft rumble of thunder in the distance was like music to my ear.

"The still waters.
The secret place of thunder."

I became excited. It meant either something important was up that you wanted to show me, or you wanted to have sweet fellowship with me.
Either way, I was joyful at the prospects of what awaited me.

I walked about, relishing the experience of this plane.
No one was in sight. I kept walking, breathing in the life in the air, feeling so good.

Soon, I saw someone from afar on some sort of grassy knoll.
I knew at once that it was you even though you weren't dressed in your usual regal, glorious and light-unapproachable attire. You wore peasant-like clothes.

Still, my heart beat at your sight.
Still, that amazing effect of the tingling of my cross seals on my shoulders started again.
Still, waves after waves of love poured over me.

My heart felt as though it would burst at any moment.
I couldn't resist. I broke into a run towards you.

Your arms were open by the time I got to you, a warm grin on your face.

I was engulfed in your strong arms.
I felt safe. It was as if all my doubts and fears and confusion became meaningless and got fizzled out just by being with you.

Your usual scent was there but I caught a whiff of something new.
Was it rose petals or strawberries?

"Oh Radiance, beloved," you breathed into my hair that your heavenly voice.
At that, the dam broke and the tears poured

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