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Dear Jesus,

I looked around for the umpteenth time, searching to see where Mike had gone.
I could be overreacting. Maybe he'd just gone to ease himself or something.

"Mike?!" I kept calling but got no response.

"Who's that over there?" Portia said after a while, pointing to her far right.

My eyes trailed her line of view, and I saw that it was Mike's lone figure standing there. Relief washed over me and I let out a sigh.

He was at the entrance of the 'Tower of Babel', hands in the largest pocket of the robe he wore, gazing upwards.
The moon had re-emerged and the silvery light made his jawline glow.
I had lost track of time, but we had to be getting closer to the wee hours of dawn.

"Wait here for me," I whispered to Portia who simply shrugged and quietly slipped closer to Mike.

"Mike, I've been looking all over for you. Didn't you hear me calling?"

He whipped his head down and looked at me. His eyes were glistening. Oouu, private moment? Sorry.

Geez, if anyone had told me stone-hard boys could be so emotional, I'd have debated it. Now that I've seen what your touch can do to any man's heart no matter his egoistic temperament? Not so much.

"Sorry. I wanted to stretch and think. I didn't know you would be back so soon, or maybe I lost track of the time."

"I can see that," I said softly. "Would you mind sharing what you were thinking about?"

"You don't want to know."
Sentence closed. It carried a lot of weight but I didn't want to be the poking and prodding stick in his ass so I kept silent.
Lord Jesus, he is yours now, so if it's something serious, you'll ask him to spill. Agreed? Check.

"We have to head back," I finally said. "The others are waiting for us."

He grunted and followed me. We walked to where Portia stood, fiddling with a broken, wet branch. His eyes squinted as Portia's face came to focus. The click of recognition flashed through both their faces.

"You're also with her? No wonder we couldn't access you any longer!" Mike exclaimed, pointing between Portia and me.

Portia gave an awkward chuckle and said, "Well, it's nice to meet you too sire."

"Forgive my manners. Good morning." Apparently, they had past connections from their time in the underworld.

I smiled and said, "Ah, I see you know each other. Mike, she also got born again not too long ago. What an amazing God we serve. There is no one He cannot save!"

When we got back to the others in the pickup truck, John was all tied up with bandages across his torso.
He looked pale but his breathing was steadier now. As he lay there in the back seat he looked so peaceful, and I was more than grateful that his fever had subsided.

"He's out of the woods. I've given him the necessary medication and from the looks of it, I think his wound should be free from infection. He should be up in some minute's time. He'll still need to get a thorough check-up at the hospital though. As do you both," Uluir informed Mike and me as she returned all her instruments into the duffel.

She'd brought almost every medical gadget imaginable that I began to wonder how absurd and heavy it must have been for her to obey your voice.

She had stitched up John's stab wounded and cleaned and bandaged the bruises. And to crown it all, she'd infused him with a drip. This lady was amazing. You are such a life-saver, Jesus.

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