~Chapter Fifty-Two~

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Abigail's POV

When I opened my eyes I was blinded by the bright light above me. Was I in heaven? My eyes adjusted and I could see that I had woken up in a hospital room. Why am I in a hospital?  I recalled yesterday's painful events. I remembered the cold basement, the bullet to my leg, the bullet to Niall's shoulder, the fight, and Harry. A nurse walked into the room with a clipboard.

"Oh, you're awake." she wrote something on paper, "I'll go get the doctor so he can check on you."

I nodded, "Thank you." the nurse then walked out of the room.


Harry's POV

The doctor walked out into the waiting room. My mum, Gemma, Robin, the lads, and I ran up to him.

The doctor spoke, "Abigail is doing great. She might have to use crutches for a little while due to the bullet impact, but other than that, she can go home today. She's awake right now, so if anyone wants to see her, one person is permitted at a time."

"What about Niall?" I asked.

"Well, his situation is a bit more severe. He lost a lot of blood, more than Abigail. Because of the fight he was involved in, he worsened the wound on his shoulder, he also has a broken hand. He's recovering slowly and we might have to keep him another day, but he's awake right now as well."

I volunteered to see Niall, my mum went to see Abby. When reached his room, I knocked on the door before walking in.

"Is Abby ok?" was the first question he asked. He really cared for my sister. I was a little concerned over their relationship while we were on tour. I thought maybe Niall would lose interest and break Abby's heart. Boy was I wrong, if anything, their love grew stronger. And after what Niall did for her, I couldn't be happier for the two of them.

"She's doing fine, she will be able to come home today. How are you feeling?"

"Well, now that I know Abby's ok, I couldn't be better."

I smiled.


Abigail's POV

"I am so sorry Abby. If I would've paid more attention to you this would've never happened, you wouldn't be in this hospital room right now." my mum cried.

"Mum, it's not your fault. I was the one who didn't tell you. I didn't want you to get hurt."

She pulled me into a tight hug and we cried together.


My mum left and now Harry was in the room with me.

"I have one question. It's not that I don't mind, but why are you here?" this question has been on my mind the moment I saw Niall at the window back at the basement.

"Niall had secretly planned to come back and help you. I caught him when he was sneaking out and I went with him. When Simon found out Niall was hurt, he let the rest of the boys come and see him."

"How is Niall?"

"He's doing ok, but he's going to stay here in the hospital one more day."

I nodded, "I have another question, How did you two find me?"

"We tracked your phone and saw that you were at a house. When we arrived there, I was lookout while Niall was searching around the outside of the house. You two ran away, that's why it took me so long to find you."

"Thank you."

"for what?"

"For being there for me."

"There won't ever be a time when I won't be by your side."

(I hope you guys enjoyed reading this chapter. Please don't forget to vote and comment, thanks.  ~Amy)

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