~Chapter Fifty-Seven~

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Abigail's POV

Niall wrapped his strong arms around me and hugged me ever so tightly he then placed a gentle kiss on my temple. I buried my face into his chest and cried harder. I'm not so sure how long we spent in that position, but I eventually regained my sanity and got ready for the concert. Elizabeth wouldn't want me to be depressed, especially not on my birthday.

Thinking back to the letter, how did I not realize what Max was doing to Elizabeth? I would constantly find her sobbing, but she would never tell me why, so I just tried to comfort her the best I could. She tried to hide all her brusis, but there were so many. How could I be so oblivious, all the clues were there. I wish she was here so I could tell her how sorry I am. I have to stop dwelling over what has been done and I need to get ready.

I put on a pair of denim shorts and floral 1D shirt just because I can. I also put on my silver sandals, I curled my hair and it now hung loosely over my shoulders.

"Abigail! Are you almost done?" Niall called out from the other side of the bedroom door.

"I'm done." I took one last look at my overall appearance and unlocked the door.

"I like your shirt." Niall smirks

"I don't know if I like it. Maybe I should go back and change." I tease him.

"Oh no you don't. We need to get going or else we'll be late." he grabbed my arm, preventing me from going back to the bedroom.


As soon as everyone had arrived at the stadium, the boys started sound check while Emma, Megan, and I watched.

Niall's POV

"Lads, I don't think I can do this." I said

"Mate, you'll be fine, don't stress about it." Liam comforted.

During the song Everything About You, I'm going to bring Abby up onto the stage and sing to her. Then we're going to take her back to the hotel where the rest of her family and some if her friends will be. We flew her family over here so we could all get together for Abby's birthday. But, I'm really nervous about everything, what if she doesn't like it all? I'm over thinking everything, I need to get ready for the show tonight.

Abigail's POV

After sound check, fans started to fill into the stadium rapidly. Emma, Megan, and I would be watching from the front row.


So far the concert has been fantastic. There were a couple of fans that recognized us and asked us for autographs or asked us to give something to one of the boys. Other fans gave us hate, but I didn't let it get to me because today is my birthday and I want to enjoy tonight's concert. Niall has been sneaking looks at me throughout the night and making faces, trying to make me laugh, he's so sweet.

"Before the last song for the night, I would like to do something." Niall looked straight at me and my heartbeat quickened.

"I want to bring my lovely girlfriend, Abby, up to the stage."

Me? Stage? What's going on?!? I had no time to process anything that was happening because Niall was already in front of me, reaching out for my hand. I placed my hand in his and he helped me up onto the stage. Someone brought out a chair for me to sit in.

"Ok, now for the last song, this is Everything About You." Niall kept his eyes on me.

"You know I've always got your back, girl. So let me be the one you come running to, running to, r-r-running. I see it's just a matter of fact, girl. You just call my name. I'll be coming through, coming through, I'll keep coming" Liam sang.

"On the other side of the world, it don't matter. I'll be there in two, I'll be there in two, I'll be there in two. I still feel it every time. It's just something that you do. Now ask me why I want to" Harry continued.

Niall took my hand as all the boys sang, "It's everything about you, you, you. Everything that you do, do, do. From the way that we touch, baby
To the way that you kiss on me. It's everything about you, you, you. The way you make it feel, new, new, new. Like every party is just us two. And there's nothing I could point to. It's everything about you, you, you. Everything about you, you, you. It's everything that you do, do, do. It's everything about you"

Niall's finally sang his solo, "Yes, I like the way you smile with your eyes. Other guys see it but don't realize that it's m-my loving. There's something about your laugh that it makes me wanna have to. There's nothing funny so we laugh at n-n-nothing."

The boys all finished the rest if the song. Never did Niall's eyes leave mine. I can't believe he brought me up on stage. I wasn't expecting him to do something like this because the bracelet he gave me was more than enough.

The song ended and Niall spoke into his microphone, "Today is Abby's birthday so I would like to sing Happy Birthday. I would also love for all you fans to join in and sing with me."

In response, the fans started singing Happy Birthday. Niall gestured for me to stand up. Hearing so many people singing to me was incredible. Their voices overpowered every other sound. A couple of fans took out there phones and flashed their lights around and soon, almost all the fans had their flashlights out, there were no words to describe how beautiful the stadium look from on the stage. After the short song, the voices died down.

Niall spoke again, "Happy Birthday Abby, I love you."

"I love you too, Niall." I told him and all the fans aww'd. Some girl in the massive crowd shouted "Kiss!" and not before long, all the fans began chanting, "Kiss, kiss, kiss!"

Niall turned my face towards him. With his hand on the side of my face, he gently pressed his lips against mine. The fans went absolutely insane.

"Niall, could you, you know, stop eating my sister?" Harry said through the microphone, making the fans all laugh and making Niall and I pull away from each other. My cheeks were burning, Niall noticed this and so he held me tightly against his chest.

The boys finally ended the show after answering a few questions from the fans and we all went back stage where we found Emma and Megan. Louis went straight for Megan and Zayn went for Emma. The girls both squealed when the sweaty boys embraced them in a tight hug, but they still hugged the boys back just as tight.

Once the girls congratulated the boys on their great concert tonight, they came running up to me. They were still freaking out about what happened on stage, but who could blame them, I was still freaking out. The three of us talked while we waited for the guys to take showers.


When we arrived at the hotel, Niall insisted I put on a blindfold, "This better not be another surprise, you've already done so much for me." I told him.

"Just one more, I promise." Niall said.

I sighed, "Ok."

I felt a little frightened because Niall was navigating me through the hotel. I mean, don't get me wrong, I trust Niall, but I feel like I'm going to run into a wall any second now.

Niall suddenly stopped, "You can take your blindfold off now."

I yanked off the piece of cloth, "Happy Birthday, Abby!" The room was decorated beautifully and there was an enormous banner that read Happy Birthday, Abby. My mum, Gemma, Robin, and some other friends of mine were all in here. I turned to Niall and practically jumped on him, he stumbled a bit but then regained his balance and hugged me back. I'm not sure when I started crying, but when I pulled away I had wet cheeks.

"Thank you so much Niall, you don't know happy this makes me."

Niall wiped away my tears and kissed my forehead, "Your welcome, Princess. Now come on, let's go enjoy this night."

(I am so sorry for not updating in so long. I don't really have an excuse for not updating because I've just been really distracted. But, at least this chapter is longer than others, right? Anyway, there's a picture of Abby's outfit on the side. I hope you guys enjoyed reading this chapter. Please don't forget to vote and comment, thanks. ~Amy)

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