~Chapter Forty-Five~

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Abigail's POV

Since I hadn't actually graduated from highschool, I had asked my mum to let me finish school, online of course. It was so much better than actually going to school. I could take my classes whenever, I didn't have to worry about my appearance, or get out of bed. Online schooling was practically made for me.

True to his word, Niall did in fact contact me everyday. We would talk for hours about things that were on our minds. I would always get upset when we would have to say goodbye.

My life had changed drastically since the boys. I no longer can go out to public with out being bombarded with questions from the paps. They make up the stupidest things. One day I accidentally tripped and a guy around my age, helped me up and the paps jumped to conclusions, they asked if I was cheating on Niall! There was another time when I went to the pharmacy to buy some cough drops and when I walked out, they had the nerve to ask me if I was pregnant! I was furious, who do they think I am! One Direction's fans weren't much better. I tried not to let the haters get to me, but it was hard. They said the most awful things. I've definitely have gotten better at ignoring them and focusing on the fans supporting Niall and I. But there were times when the hate got under my skin.


December passed slowly, Louis was now 19. I called him the day of his birthday but I wish I would've been there to say it to his Face. Zayn's birthday was coming up soon and then it would be Harry's and then mine. I wasn't to excited since the boys weren't going to be here.

I had finished all my classes so I rewarded myself by going to Starbucks. I ordered my drink and as I was turning a corner, leaving the shop, a man stopped me.



"We need to talk about Elizabeth Johnson."

(Sorry for the short and late update, I had writers block for a moment. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter. Please don't forget to vote and comment, thanks.  ~Amy)

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