~Chapter Fifty-Nine~

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Harry's POV

A couple minutes had gone by and Abby had calmed down a bit. I was in this kitchen making tea for us. I grabbed two mugs and poured tea in them. I walked to where Abby sat and handed her one of the mugs.

"Thank you, Harry." she said as she took the mug in her hands and took a small sip.

"No problem. Are you ready to talk now?" I asked and she nodded.

"So, what exactly happened?"

"Niall and I had an argument."


"He was on twitter and he came across a photo of me and a guy talking at Starbucks. Niall thought I was cheating on him."

"What were you doing with the other guy?"

"Well, I was entering Starbucks and I accidentally bumped into him. He asked me out on a date but I refused and I told him I had a boyfriend. Then he asked once more, but this time just as friends. I turned him down again and told him I had to get back to my boyfriend. After that, I fled and came back to Niall."

"Did you tell Niall that?"

"Yeah, but I still left because I was mad that he didn't trust me in the first place."

"Abby, I've know Niall long enough to know that he trusts you with his life. I also know that he's very insecure and maybe that's the reason he got all angry."

"So, what you're telling me is that I should forgive him just like that?"

"I'm not saying you should forgive him, I'm just saying that maybe this was a whole misunderstanding and that you two should talk about it. After all, today is Valentine's Day." I laughed.

Then someone began knocking on the door.

Niall's POV

I know I should've given her more time, but I just had to find out where Abby had gone to. I tried texting her, but she wouldn't answer me, I don't blame her though. Then I tried knocking on Zayn and Emma's door but they told me they had no idea where she was. I then knocked on Louis and Megan's door but they said the same thing. There was only one other person who could know about her whereabouts and that person was Harry because the rest of her family and friends left already.

I walked over to Harry's door and knocked on it.

Harry's POV

"Who is it?" I asked as I walked towards the door.

"It's me, Niall."

I looked at Abby and she wore a panicked expression.

"Please don't let him in." she whispered.

"Abby, you're going to have face him eventually." I explained, she sighed in defeat.

I opened the door, "Hey Niall, what's up?"

"Do you know where Abby is? I've been trying to contact her for a while now, and I'm worried about her."

"She's in here Ni. I'll let you come in and talk to her, but if you hurt her I swear to God I will never let you come near her again. Understood?" There was no hint of humor in my voice, I was dead serious about what I said.

"I would never dream of it."

"Good. I'll be back in a few hours."

Niall's POV

I watched as Harry left the hotel and then slowly made my way to where Abby was sitting. Her back was facing me as I approached her.

"Abby?" I whispered, she kept her eyes glued to the floor.

I sat across from her and sighed, "Look, I want to apologize for the way I acted this morning. I was a total jerk and you were right. I shouldn't have jumped to conclusions. I should've let you explain first and I'm sorry I didn't. Will you please forgive me?"

Abby finally looked up at me, "Why would you think I would ever hurt you like that? You know how much I love you. I could never cheat on you even if I wanted to and especially not after what you did for me yesterday."

"I know baby and I'm so sorry. I don't know what got into me. I felt really insecure and vulnerable when I saw that photo and I thought you were going to leave me for someone better. And I hated that feeling, so I though it would be easier to just get mad at you, but that backfired horribly. Instead I just ended up beating myself up about it." I looked down, ashamed of myself.

She put two fingers under my chin and made me look her in the eyes, "Niall, there is no other guy in the world who I would rather be with." Her lips were now inches away from mine, "Not even Channing Tatum." she added as we both smiled into the kiss.

"I love you, Abby." I said after we both pulled away.

"I love you too, Niall. It's too bad that we spent half of our Valentine's Day arguing."

"Yeah." I stood up and she stared at me with a confused expression on her face. I gently grabbed her hands and pulled her off the couch we were sitting on, "Abby, will you go on a date with me?"

She smiled and pecked my lips, "I'd love to, Niall."

"Great, will you be ready by 8 o'clock?" I asked and she nodded her head happily.

"Ok, I'll see you at 8. I have to do a few things before then." I kissed her temple before leaving and calling Harry.

(YAY! Two updates in one week! I can't wait to start writing about the date. I hope you liked reading this chapter. Please don't forget to vote and comment, thanks. ~Amy)

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