~Chapter Thirty-Four~

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Abigail's POV

I have to admit, it felt good to take a nice hot shower. I was wearing a white tee, gray trousers, and silver slippers. Liam was nice enough to make me a big bowl of spaghetti and meatballs. He even managed to not burn down the house.

I was full after eating two thirds of the spaghetti. Liam was stern about me eating all the spaghetti since I hadn't eaten in so long, but I finally got him to let me stop. He was genuinely worried about me.


Anne's POV

I wanted to make up for lost time with my daughter more than anything in the world. But, I knew I had to give her time, she was going through a lot. My intentions were clear, I wanted to get Abby to move into the house, reconnect with her, and put her kidnappers in jail.

I knew I shouldn't have let Kristen Sanders babysit my little girl. That day I had to take Harry to an appointment, Gemma to school, and I had to run some errands. I thought if I got a babysitter for Abby, I would finish earlier.

When I found out Kristen took Abby, I called for a search party. I waited thirteen years until I finally found her. People kept telling me she was gone and that I should move on with my life, but I couldn't. Losing Abby was like losing myself.

I never was the same after the incident with Abby. When Harry became famous and left me, I was devastated. Then Gemma went to college, I was alone and there was nothing I could do about it. 


Harry's POV

I'm glad Liam had gotten Abby out of her room. I was getting worried about her, hence why I told Liam about the situation. He agreed immediately to help me with Abby. When he came out of her room, I was happy to hear that she was going to finally eat. I made the spaghetti, due to past experiences with the other lads cooking.


Abigail's POV

I wasn't so sure on what to do with my kidnappers. I did know they didn't quite deserve to be put in jail. Sure they kidnapped me, but they cared for me like I was their own. They payed for me to go to school, they gave me food, shelter, and much more. Therefore, I will go back to warn them about everything so they can change their names and run away forever.

(Picture of Abby's outfit on the side. I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter. Please don't forget to vote and comment, thanks.  ~Amy)

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