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Alec Matteo Lorenzo Accardi is a rich, handsome, quiet, mysterious, lady's man, popular boy that gets everything he wants and has load of friends that are the same. me on the other hand, Sage Aurora Rose, are loud, poor, book worm, no where near perfect. he has no family problems. i do. we have a lot of differences but a lot of similarities.

"ugh" i say as i hear my phone alarm go off.

"time to get up, another shitty day, in my shitty life" i say.
i get up, looking at my wardrobe, pulling on a green sweater, i grab my bag and walk out the front door. i see the bus pull up with the number 209 plastered onto it, i see a pale, dark haired fluffy haired boy sitting alone, looking up at me with his bright green eyes, i sit in the row behind him.

"hey bitch" i hear, i look and see, my best friend, rosy, punching my arm.

"ow you whore" i say smiling

"ha" she laughs sitting next to me.

I normally like being alone, but when rosy's around i forget about most of my life problems.

"so, do you have french for first today?" she asks looking up from her phone

"obviously" i say rolling your eyes

"damn, who hurt you?" she asks

"hmmm" i hum sarcastically.

wr guys arrive at school as i head to my french class, i get stopped in the middle of the hallway.

"uh, hey sage" i hear a deep but soft voice, i turn around and see alec

"oh hey alec" i say

"do you have french?" he asks me

"uh, yea"

"well, may i walk with you to class?"

"no, i don't mind" i say smiling

he grins back and walks by my side, a feel a arm slither around my shoulder and i see alec's arm.

"ayo al-" i hear from his friends, they cut themselves off and look at me in a gross way.

we both enter the classroom and everyone looks at us both, we separate our ways of the classroom.

a few moments later i feel a paper air plane hit me in the back of the head.

i turn around and see alec giggling and smiling, i open the note and see it says

"meet me after school" -ale

"ok fine" i write in the other side, folding it back up and throwing it at him. he smiles.

30 minutes later after class i begin to walk to lunch and hear a piano, i walk into the performance arts
room, i walk in and see alec playing the piano, i sit on the stage and watch him, he looks up and looks startled.

"h- hi sage" he says stop playing

"hi, you're really good, especially with your hands" i say, he smiles and nods his head

"oh my- don't you even" i say rolling my eyes and jumping off the stage.

he holds his hands up in defense, he begins to walk out of the performing arts room heading to lunch, i walk over to the piano and stare at the door and wait for him to walk out, when he does i turn towards the piano and start playing. 5 minutes later i close the piano and get up, i see alec standing in the door way.

"how long were you here" i ask

"well sage, about 4 or 5 minutes" he says walking towards me setting his arm on my shoulder.

"what?!" i say embarrassed

"don't worry, you're really good" he says looking down at me

"t- thanks" i say

"want to eat lunch with me?" he asks

"i'll sit with you, i don't eat but i'll sit with you"  i say shrugging

"oh- ok, well come and sit with me" he says smiling

i nod and smile walking over to his table

"bro- really alec" alecs friend lily says

"yea" he says embarrassed

she rolls her eyes. i sit down and get out my book.

"if you're just going to read you can leave" lily says rolling her eyes

"right" i say shutting my book and walking towards the exit door, i find the tree i normally sit at and pull my book out continuing reading.

"sage, you ok?" i hear a familiar voice say, i look up and see alec.

"yea i'm fine" i say going back to my book

"if you say so" he says sitting next to me, i shut your book.

"so, you and lily?" i ask

"what about us?" he asks

"don't you like her like everyone else?" i ask

"of course i do." he says

"of course" i say

"she's just so gorgeous and funny and nice most of the time" he says

"why don't you just marry her than" i say rolling you eyes

"is someone jealous" alecs asks smiling

"what- n- no" i say

"yea you are" he says laughing, i roll my eyes

"but i think i'm going to ask her out" he says

"cool" i say

"yea-" he begins but gets cut off by the 7th period bell

"want me to walk you to seventh period?" he asks sticking out his hand to help you up

"sure" i take his hand and your fingers interlace as we are walking, i let go of his hands. he wraps his arm around my waist.

we get to the classroom, language arts, we separate to your seats.

the bell rings and school lets out, i notice it's pouring outside, i put on my hood and begin to walk home.

30 minutes later i get home and lock the door and flip on the light.

"fuck." i say noticing i didn't pay the electricity bill. i walk up the stairs to my dark cold room and go to sleep.

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