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Sage and i both sit down in our seats and see a girl walk up to the class.
"hi, i'm desy." she say bopping her head
I look at sage and giggle.
"desy your seat will be over there behind alec." the teacher says
~ugh~ i say in my head rolling my eyes.
She walks past me and winks and she sits down, i scoot my chair up.
She passes me a note 30 minutes into class.
"hey, you're hot😈🥵😉" she writes.
"i have a girlfriend." i write.
"and?" she says
"no." i say.

The bell rings and i walk out of the door and stand in the door way waiting for sage.
"that new girl looks annoying as hell." she says
"she is, look at this note." i say
She reads the note.
"what the fuck." she says
"yea." i say
She rolls her eyes and moves closer to me noticing desy.
Desy rolls her eyes and slams her locker.

At lunch sage and i sit down and abs begin talking.
"hey can i sit here?" desy asks
"no." sage says jumping into the conversation
"i wasn't fucking asking you." she says sitting down in-front of me.
"anyways." she says tilting her head and smiling.
"i told you i have a girlfriend, can't you respect that?" i say
"i really don't care." she says winking.
I jump up and walk outside.
"WHERE ARE YOU GOING?!" desy says jumping up.
"alec." a voice says
"leave me the fuck alone weird girl." i say
i feel a hand grab my hand, i feel a familiar ring on the hand.
I turn around and see her standing there.
"i'm so glad it's you." i say hugging her
She hugs me back on her tippy toes.
"alec- i was so worried about you." desy says running up to me and pushing sage out of the way.
I push her off of me and pick sage up.
"what the fuck." desy says jumping up.
"bitch please- he doesn't even fucking know you so leave us the fuck alone musty ass fucking bitch." sage says
"you're not getting in the way of the boy of my dreams bitch." desy say
*bark* desy barks at sage.
"oh hell no." sage says
"WHAT THE FUCK." i say.
"i'll be back." i say
"hurry or i'll beat her fucking ass." sage says as i walk into the school, i grab our bags and keys and give her her stuff.
"let's go." i say taking her hand and she wraps her arms around my arm.
"it's fucking cold." she says
I hand her my hoodie and we begin walking to the other side of the school.

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