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I walk up to her door and knock.
"sage, it's alec." I say
I jiggle the knob.
~she's probably asleep.~ i say in my head.
I keep jiggling the knob and feel it come loose, i turn the knob and walk in, the smell of mildew fills my nose and i walk upstairs.
"sage." i say
"it's alec."
I walk into her room and see her asleep with blood on her sheets.
"sage?!" i say running up to her.
"huh?" she says confused.
"what the-" i say grabbing her wrist.
I pick her up and hold her close to my body.
"sage." i say
"alec?" she says looking up at me
"hey" i say hugging her.
She wraps her arms around my neck and i pull her closer.
"i'm so glad you came." she says
"i'm glad i came to." i say
"i was so home sick." shes says
"let's go home." i say
"you are my home alec." she says
"you're my home too." i say kissing her forehead and walking out of her house.
I lay her in my passenger seat.
I zoom off to a close Walgreens and get gauzes.
I drive home and put her in my hoodie and boxers and i gauze her up.
"sage." i say
"yea?" she says
"i love you, please never leave me again." i say hugging her.
"i won't." she says hugging me back
"and don't do that to yourself, it's not like i can stop you but." i say
"i won't, i was just hurt and out of it." she says
"i know." i say taking her into my arms and walking upstairs, she begins falling asleep as i put her in my bed and i kiss her forehead lightly and lay next to her.
"i love you sage aurora rose." i say
I she the corner of her mouth rise up and she puts her head on my head as i move my head closer into her chest.

I wake up and see alec.
~i'm home.~ i say pulling him closer.
An immense pain going up my arm.
"fuck." i say
Alex jumps up and looks at me.
"what's wrong?" he asks
"my wrist." i say
"oh." she says lifting up my sleeve.
"what-" i say noticing i have cuts across my arm
"what happened?" i ask alec
"i-" he begins but jumps up and leaves the room. i lay back and a tear leaves my eye.
I sniffle and wipe away the tear.
"here's some advil." he says walking in.
I wipe another tear away quickly.
"thank you." i say
"what's wrong?" he asks
"i'm sorry." i say
"why??" he asks
"because i left you last night and you have to see me this way." i say tearing up.
He pulls me into his arms and i begin crying in his arms.
"i'm sorry, i hope you can forgive me and we can still be together, in love." i say
"my darling, you will never be unloved by me. you're too tightly tangled in my soul." he says
I look up at him and kiss him.
"i love you sage aurora rose." he says
"i love you too Alec Matteo Lorenzo Accardi." i say hugging him.
We lay down and i hug him tightly.

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