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I wake up and look at the time.
Holy crap.
I sit up and pick out an outfit for my date.
I walk downstairs and don't see grandma.
I walk out in the garden, she isnt out there.
I walk upstairs and go to her bedroom.
She is asleep, with tear stains.
I walk downstairs and make a cup of warm soup.
I walk upstairs and knock on the door.
"Grandma." I say
She opens her eyes and smiles.
"Goodmorning." I smile
"Morning." She smiles.
"I made you soup." I say
"oh thank you." she says happily, i hand it to her and go take a shower.

It's 5:55, i put in lipgloss in the living room mirror and smile.
Smile sage, smile.
I say in my head.
I put my head down and wipe away a tear.
I hear a car and i walk out of the house.
I open the door and sit in the car.
"Hi." He says
"Hello." I half smile
"So." He says
"so?" i say
"Here's the plan, we can go eat whatever food and then go eat ice cream at my favorite spot." he smiles.
"Ok" i say smiling.
He drives off and pulls up to the main place where the restaurants are.
"Where would you like to go?" he asks
"Mcdonald's?" I offer
"Yes." He says
We order our food and listen to music and eat in the car.
"Ok let's get ice cream." He smiles
"Dq?" i ask
"100%" He nods
As we're driving to Dairy Queen my phone buzzes.
"Sage." Alec texts me.
I turn my phone off and look back at brayden, his eyes are so pretty.

"So." He says
"Soooo?" I ask
"What do you do for a living?" He asks
"Mafia, but things happened and i think i want to start my own business." I say
"Mafia?!" He asks
"Yea, you?" I ask
"Marine biologist." He says.
"Wow." I say.
"Yea." He smiles.
We sit on a bridge eating ice cream, with water running under us.
"So, are you visiting or do you live here?" He asks
"I'm visiting, i live in massachusetts with my fiancé-" I say
"Huh-?" He ask
"He cheated yesterday, and i don't think i can forgive him." i say
"Oh, makes sense." He says
"Yea." I nod.
I get up and run off.
"Where are you going?" Brayden yells
"Catch me." I say
I run into the park and hide behind a tree.
"Hmmmm, where could sage be?" He says sarcastically.
He hugs me and we both giggle and fall onto the floor.
"Look at the stars!" He says
I look up and see the big dipper.
"Holy shit." I smile
"It's pretty big." Brayden says.
"That's what she said." I say smiling looking over at him.
We both burst out laughing and we look at each-other.
Our heads inch closer and we kiss.
He pulls away and smiles.
He jumps up and i hug him and kiss him.
We both run back to him school and just sit there and laugh.

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