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After we get to alec's house, we take a shower and fall asleep.

I wake up to crying, i look over and see alec having a nightmare.
"alec." i say
He jumps awake.
"you're here." he says
"yes" i smile
He hugs me.
"i had a nightmare you were still gone." he says
"i'm not, i'm here with you for ever." i say
"i love you." he says
"i love you more alec." i say as he puts his head in my chest.

I wake up and see alec still sound asleep.
I go downstairs and begin making his favorite breakfast.
Waffles with eggs and bacon.
"something smells good." i hear a voice say
I turn around and see his mom.
"good morning" i say
"we've missed you sage, alec's been having these terrible nightmares." she says
"i've missed you guys a lot too, im glad im back." i say handing her a plate.
"thank you dear." she says
"you're welcome." i flash a smile.
He's been having nightmares?
"about the nightmares, how long have they been going on?" i ask
"since the first night you were missing." she says
"oh my-" i say
"he really loves you, he's the happiest i have seen him in a while sage." she says
"im glad i make him happy, but he has no idea what would have happened to me if he wasn't here." i say
"thank you sage." she says
"thank you." i say
"the food is really good." she smiles at me.
"thank you." i say handing her a cup of coffee
"you're too kind." she says
"thank you." i say
I take a plate upstairs and see alec hugging a pillow tightly.
I set the food on the side table and lay next to him.
"my sage." he says
"my alec." i say playing with his hair.

5 minutes later i wake him up.
"Good morning." i smile at him.
"good morning." he says hugging me tightly.
I reach over and hand him the food.
"my fav-" he begins and looks up at me.
"did you make this?" he asks
"yes." i say
"thank you." he says kissing me.

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