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Sage walks out to the car, i turn around and head towards the tuxedo's. I don't want a normal suit, maybe a shirt and dress pants, but i also want to correspond with sage. I walk over to the dress clothes and take an outfit off the rack.

 I walk over to the dress clothes and take an outfit off the rack

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"you ready to check out?" mr. smith asks
"yes sir." i say laying the clothes down.
he rings up the price and i take out my card.
"have a good day." he says
"you too mr.smith." i respond, he smiles and i exit.

"Ok, alec? are you and sage taking your car?" alec's mom asks
"we'll take my car." alec says taking my hand
"awh..you both look so good!!" his mom says grabbing her phone.
"maman non." alec says
"c'mon let her take picture alec" i say looking up at him
"fine." he smiles
"smile!!!!" his mom says
we pose and she takes 2 photos.

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(^those poses but in the outfits)

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(^those poses but in the outfits)

"Ok ok, you guys can go now" she says
"bye maman" alec says hugging her.
We head toward the restaurant.

We enter the dinner place and see lily and her parents. I take a deep breathe and take alec's hand.
"it's ok sage." alec says.
"thank you." i say
We begin walking over to the table, lily's mom stands up.
"hello alec!" she says hugging him
"and you are?" she says looking confused.
"sage, alec's girlfriend." i say shaking her hand
"ohhh, you're a beautiful girl!" she says, lily gives me a stink eye.
"oh my word. what happened lily?!" i say
"some chienne beat my cul." she says glaring at me. Her parents look over at her and i smirk
"ohhh" i say.
We sit down and alec's parents walk in.
"oh mon dieu, lys! qu'est- il arrivé?" alec's mom says
(omg lily what happened?)
"i got beat up." lily says.
"by who?!??" she asks
"i don't know." she says glaring at me.
they sit down.
"so sage, what happened to your neck." lily's mom asks.
"oh uhm a girl walked up to me and threatened me and then i beat her up so." i say
"hmm" she says
"hello i'm jackson and i'll be your server tonight. Can i start you guys off with a drink?"
I begin hearing names of drinks being said.
"a water please" i say
"ok, a beautiful glass of water for a beautiful girl." the waiter winks, i look down and see alec's fist clench, i take his hand.
"i'll be back" i say getting up
"me too." alec says
I begin walking to the empty dark hallway towards the bathroom. I feel a hand grab my waist and turn me around, i look up and see alec.
"cute, little waiter wants you." alec says coming closer to me.
"yea. but he'll have to beg for it." i say walking back towards the bathroom.
Alec grabs my waist and pulls me closer again.
"yea, beg for his life." he say in my ear and walks away.
I walk towards table but i suddenly get pulled into a corner.
"alec, come on."  I say, but then i suddenly notice. These aren't alec's hands.
I turn around and see the waiter.
"get off of me." i yell.
"no." he says
"ALEC!" i yell. I see alec bounce out of his seat and run towards me.
"had to call your little boyfriend." he says
Alec and his dad begin running over.
Alec pulls me away from jackson.
His dads takes jackson outside and i hug alec and he takes my hand and walks me out of the restaurant.

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