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As we walk in i have no idea where i am, i'm blindfolded and smells a bunch of scents.
"alec?" i ask
"huh?" he asks
"where are we?" i ask
"somewhere." he says
"really???i thought we were no where." i say
he giggles and i hear him pulling stuff off the shelf.

We leave the store and get home.
"ok. take off the blindfold." he says
I open my eyes and see a bunch of stuff later out, his cologne, chocolate, flowers and other things.
"awh." i say jumping in his arms
"do you like it?" he asks
"of course." i say
"i just feel bad cause you didn't get a lot." he says
"i don't expect anything. " i say smiling
"but still." he says
"btw that ring looks wonderful on your finger, next is same finger other hand." he winks
"yea." i nod and hug him.
"i love you." he says
"i love you too." i say hugging him.

The next day i hear his alarm going off.
"ugh." he says rolling over and getting up.
I sit up and put my face into a pillow.
"can't wait to graduate." he says
"me too." i say getting up and walking into the bathroom to brush my hair and teeth.
"but we still have college to get through." he says
"yea, but in college you have more freedom." i say laying the hair brush down.
"true." he says looking through his closet.
I put my tooth brush down and grab my outfit off of his dresser that i planned yesterday, He tears off his shirt and his abs expose.
i look over and walk up to him and kiss him and my hand down his torso.
"sage-" he says
"what?" i say smirking.
"we have to continue this later." he says pulling my waist in closer.
"fine." i say taking off my shirt and putting on my outfit.

We grab our keys and bags and walk down stairs to our cars.
"i'll meet you at school." he says kissing me, i nod and walk to my car and pull out after him.

We both pull up to school and everyone begins to stare.
I park right next to him and get out and see the whole school gathering around.
Alec walks up to me and wraps his arm around his waist.
We begin to walk into the school and we have to bump people out of the way.
We go to our lockers and everyone gathers around us. I turn around.
"ok, enough. can we please have some space? thanks." i say
"good girl." alec says taking my hand and walking to french.

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