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I don't know if i want to keep it from her. I may be over exaggerating it but still. Last night my mom told me we have an arrangement with lily and her parents, mom invited sage and of course she wants to go, she doesn't trust lily, i don't either. I shake her awake.
"i'm up i'm up." she says smiling.
"c'mon, we gotta go get a fancy dress for you mon amour." i say
"ahhhh." she squeals.
"what?" i ask?
"french." she says hugging me
"i'm going to go get ready." she says jumping up.
"got it." i say getting up too.

We head to the dress shop and begin to look.
"wow." i say
"what?" he asks
"it's very fancy." i respond
"yup, i wanna get you the best."
I smile and hug his arm.
"this one." he says grabbing a satin dress.
"ou." i say
"it's beautiful." he says.
"hello." a voice says behind us. We turn around.
"hey" alec says
"i'm mr. smith, would you guys like any help?" he asks
"no sir." alec says
"ok." mr. smith says turning around.
"so, you go look around and i'll go sit down." he says
I turn toward all the silk dresses. I run my hands through the soft and beautiful dresses.
My eyes land on a beautiful royal blue silk satin, knee length, and spaghetti straps.

 My eyes land on a beautiful royal blue silk satin, knee length, and spaghetti straps

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I grab the dress off the hook and walk over to alec.
"alec!!!" i yell
"wow. belle robe, pour belle fille."  (translation: wow. beautiful dress for beautiful girl.). he says
"merci mon amour!" i respond (thank you my love.)
"let's go" he says
I smile
"go wait in the car. I also have to grab my tuxedo." he says.
"ok" i say walking out to the car.

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