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My mind races, who got shot? i feel alec's arm still snaked around me.
I open my eyes and see alec, hugging me tightly.
I hear footsteps coming up stairs.
I look at alec with tears in my eyes.
He looks at the closet and takes me hand.
I hug him as we hear the door open and hear another gun shot.
We hear crying, it's his mom.
We crack open the closet door and see blood on her hands.
We rush out.
"Mom?" Alec asks
"Alec?" She asks
"Are you ok?" He asks
"I got shot." She says
I run to the bedside table and pull out the gun.
"Sage." Alec says as i reach the door.
"I love you." I say exiting the room.
I look down the staircase and see grandpa and brayden still fighting.
"LEAVE SAGE ALONE!" I hear grandpa say
I walk downstairs.
"Brayden, get out of this fucking house." I say
"You came for me." He smiles psychotically.
"Fuck you." I say, i pull the trigger as i aim at him leg.
"Fuck!" He yells.
"Leave." I say
"How do you expect me-" He begins.
I shoot his leg again as blood splatters me.
He limps out and drives off.
I slide down the wall and begin shaking.
I hear the door open and footsteps.
"Go get mom." I hear alec say.
I look up at him and hug him.
I hear sirens and suddenly go black.

I wake up on a bed in a hospital room.
I see a bed with mom on it.
I look over for alec and see him behind me, with his hand gently on my hip.
I hug him and i suddenly feel his grip get tighter.
"Sage." He says
"Alec." I say
"Are you ok?" He asks
"Yes, is mom ok?" I ask
"Yes, she survived luckily and we are pressing charges against brayden." He says
I nod.
"I love you." I tell alec.
"I love you so much sage." He says
I kiss him.

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