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I hear a knock on my door, i sit up.
I open the door to see my mom.
"Hey mom." I say rubbing my eye
"Someone's here." She says.
I open my eyes widely and nod and she moves out of my path, i run downstairs and open the front door and see sage.
"I'm here to get my stuff." She says
"Can we talk first?" I ask
"Sure.." She says
I sigh and hold the door open and see the new dude.
I give him a side eye and shut the door.
I follow her upstairs to my room.
She sits down on the bed and i sit next to her.
"Sage, please listen to me." I say
She nods as tears flood her eyes.
"What happened was i went to a club and i got really wasted and the last thing i remember was sitting at the bar." I say.
"So how did you end up bringing a girl home?" She asks.
"I don't know, i guess i brought her home but i know we didn't hook up, i know for a fact we didn't, cause if we did i would know." I say
"But you did that morning?" She asks
"Close but no, we made out, but that's all it went to, i did call her pretty but i don't remember why." I say puzzled.
She nods.
"Sage, i really love you, i do, i miss you, you're the only person i want to be with." I say as a tear slips out of my eye.
"Alec, of course i love you but i can tell you didn't know what happened, i know when you lie." She says.
"Is that water still good?" She asks pointing to the bottle on my night stand.
"Yea." I say
"Can i have a sip?" She asks
She gets up and takes a sip.
"So." I say
"I've missed you." She says.
"Are you staying?" I ask standing up
She nods.
My whole body loosens, i feel at home now.

I begin feeling dizzy.
"Holy shit." I say
"What's wrong?" Alec asks
"I don't know, i feel weird." I say.
"Have you eaten?" Alec asks
I nod.
"Is it what you drank or ate-" He says but he ends the sentence shortly.
He grabs the water bottle.
"I felt the same way after she gave this to me." Alec says
"Who?" I ask
"The girl." He says
The dots start connecting.
"She drugged you?" I ask
"I mean that's what it seems like." He says.
"Lye down." Alec says
"Do you want me to wave off brayden?" She asks
"I can." I say

I walk outside and he rolls down his window.
"Where is she?" He asks
"She doesn't feel well, can i have her stuff?" I ask
"No." He says
"huh?" I ask
"I said no." He says sternly.
I run to the back of the car and open the trunk taking out her things.
He gets out of the car.
"What the fuck." He says
I punch him and walk inside and lock the door.

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