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I get in the car after the seeing.
"Hey, is this sage?" I see a text on my phone.
"Yes it is." I respond.
"I just thought you were really pretty, and i was wondering if you'd like to go on a date tomorrow, i know your grandfather passed away but hopefully this will get your mind off things." He says
"Sure, i would love too:)" I respond
"I'll pick you up at 6:00 pm?" he asks
"sure, see ya." I respond.
I turn off my phone and look out the window.

I get home and pull out my book and begin reading.
"Babe." I get a text.
It's alec.
"what?" I respond.
"I know what it looks like, i don't know where my mind is." He says
"you can't cheat on someone you love alec, since you did, you didn't really love me, you were just in love with the idea of loving me." I say as a tear slips.
"What? so you don't want to work this out with my baby?" He asks
"I really don't, what will you do if you've already done it after i forgave you, if i forgive you over and over again it'll escalate." I say.
"C'mon sage." He says
"I just have 2 questions for you." I say
"What?" He asks
"What made you do this?" I ask
"I don't know." He says
"Is she still in OUR bed? and tell the truth." I say
"yes.."He says
"That's my point alec." I say
I hear my phone buzz, i ignore it completely and call his mom.
"Hey sweetie, i miss you!" She says
"I miss you too, i don't think i'll be coming back, i just need to get my stuff and leave." I say
"What are you saying sage?" she asks worriedly.
"The love of my life cheated on me." I say, my voice shaking.
"Oh sage." she says
"It hurts so much mom." I say
"I know it does, i don't know what has gotten into him, i have to talk to him, can i call you back?" She asks
"Yes." I say
"I love you sage." she says.
"I love you." I say before hanging up.
I put my head in my hands and tears flood out.
I lay down and sob myself to sleep.

4 missed calls.
I sit up and open
my phone.
I read off the missed call list.
I call his mom.
"Hello?"a voice says.
"Hey mom." I say
"Oh sage." She says
"So." I say
"He left, out of no where, i don't know where he is, he left with the girl." She says
Hearing that broke my heart.
"Ok, thank you." I say as my lip quivers.

it's hard to turn the next page when you know someone won't be in the next chapter, but the story must go on.
-Thomas Wilder.

I read off of a book page.
A tear stains the page.
I lay down and start to doze off.

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