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The next day we wake up and head to school. A few hours i head to the nurse with a headache, I got told to head home and get some rest. I walk home to Alec's house and fall asleep.

I heard sage went home to sleep cause she was sick. I head to the cafeteria for lunch.
"yo alec. I forgive you from earlier." i hear one of my "friends" say
"ok" i say sitting down.
"where's sage?" he asks
"home." i say
"why? i saw her earlier"
"she went home."
"ohhh. so how's y'all's relationship?"
"she's so hot bro, keep her close or i might get her."he says with a smile on his face laughing and turning.
"excuse me?" i ask clenching my fists.
"yea. she. is. fine. asf."
I jump up and grab the collar of his shirt and drag him across the table. I start planting punches to his face.
"BRO STOP-" he yells
"not a fucking funny one you piece of shit." I let go and grab my bags and walk out of the school. ring* ring* my phone buzzes. shit.
"Mom." my phone rings
I awnser.
"he was being disrespectful."
"i'll tell you later." i say hanging up the phone
I zoom off.

buzz* buzz*
buzz* buzz*
buzz* buzz*

I hear. I open my phone with messages about alec.
"omg!!! alec got in a fight!" someone texts me, I jump up and run to the front of the house and look for his car. I see a car pulling up and realize it's alec. I run up to the car as it comes to a stop and he opens his car door and jumps out.
"ALEC!" i say jumping up and hugging him tightly.
"are you ok?!" i ask?
I wrap my arms around his neck and snuggle my face into his chest, he wraps his arms around my waist and buries his face into my shoulder.

"So what even happened?" i asked sitting down on his bed.
"he was being disrespectful." he says sitting next to me.
"what about?"
"yea." he says laying down.
"ways i don't want you to hear." he says
"oh." i say laying next him and looking up at him.
"you make it hard to stay mad." he smiles and kisses me.
i blush and hug him and close my eyes.

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