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I wake up and look over to see alec gone.
"alec?" i whisper
i hear footsteps coming up the stairs and see alec holding two mugs.
he opens the window and fixes the bed up a little and turns on the TV and lays down.
He pulls off his shirt and throws it in the floor and pulls up the blanket.
He turn on "Holidate."
I move closer to him and hug him.
"good morning." he says hugging me.
He grabs a mug and hands it to me.
"hot choclate." he smiles
"thank you." i say
"you're welcome, and we have to go to school in 2 hours, we had a 2 hour delay." he says
"ok." i say looking up at him.

2 hours later we walk out of the house and go to school.
"there's going to be a party tonight and we got invited." he says walking to his locker.
"we're going right?" i ask
"hell yea." he says

after school we get ready and head to the party.
We walk in and see people making out and doing things that you see people doing at parties.
"let's go get some drinks." alec whispers in my ear.
"ok." i say taking his hand.

We walk over to the drinks and get a drink.
"is that desy?" i ask
"ew yea." he says
"ignore her." i say
"OH EM GEE." she says running up to us.
"IS THAT ALEC!" she says
I step in front of him.
"oh and sage." she says rolling her eyes and crossing her arms.
I feel his arms wrap around my waist and pull me closer.
"UGH." desy yells throwing her drink to the ground and walking away.
I laugh and turn around and kiss him, the smell of alcohol hovering off his lips.
We take our drinks and i begin dancing in the middle of the dance floor and alec is dancing with me.

An hour later we are both wasted and get asked if we want to play spin the bottle, we both say yes and i sit across from him, desy comes running and shoves me over to where she is in front of him.
I shove her and she shoves me back, i roll my eyes and get up and move to a couch.
Desy spins the bottle and it lands in him, she jumps up and begins kissing him.
I jump up and pull her off of him and run outside.
"SAGE." he yells.
I look back and see him walking out of the doorway but desy pulls him back inside.
"YOURE MINE." she yells
"SAGE." he says trying to get away but her nails dig into his arms, he sits down and desy comes running towards me, I begin running and go to my house, i look back and see desy kissing him. I stand there and look at them out of breathe and sobbing.
Alec pushes her off and comes running towards me.
"sage, please come home." he says
"i'll be ok, i need a second" i say walking towards my house.
"at-least take your car. please sage." he says
I ignore him and open my house door and lock it, my body immediately falls to the ground, i begin sobbing and cupping my face in my hands.
I walk upstairs and open my cupboards in my bathroom and pull out my box.

When i was little, my favorite color was yellow, i would color in my sun with yellow, my birds and flowers.
I run my fingers across my wrists.
I don't know what changed and why i love the color red so much, especially when it's coming out of my wrists after i'm in pain.

I walk to my bed and fall on it and close my eyes and fall asleep.

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