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As we drive in alec's car to his family owned house to visit with everyone he lays his hand on my thigh.
"yk what." i begin
"what?" he asks
"you're always in my head alec's." i say smiling.
He smirks coley
"then why don't you give me some." he says
"i-" i begin
"but not right now." he says putting his finger to my lip and we pull in his family owned house.
We walk into what it looks like a strip club.
"oh and i forgot to mention my family doesn't give a shit about one single thing." he says pulling me closer by the waist.
We walk to the bar next to the dance floor with flashy ribbon hanging from the ceiling.
I walk up to the DJ.
"play my playlist." i say
he nods and begins playing it.
"Love Me" by lil Wayne comes on.
The lights lower and i stand in front of alec and begin dancing.
He nods and throws his head back and gets up walking towards me.
We begin dancing and kissing in the middle of the dance floor.
"we may have to get a sound proof room tonight if you keep this up." he whispers in my ear.
My finger leaves his chest and i go sit down at the bar leaving alec alone on the dance floor.
"can i have a shirley temple?" i ask
"yup." the bar tender says winking.
He begins making the drink.
"want my number with that?" he asks winking
"i-" i begin
I feel and arm wrap around my waist and one lean against me.
"no she doesn't." i hear alec say
"i wasn't asking you rando, what's your name are you even apart of the Accardi family?" the bartender asks
"you'll hear her screaming it from upstairs in a while." alec winks at the bartender and splashes the shirley temple on his face.
"wtf-" he says wiping it off.
I begin walking off.
"young lady." i hear the bartender say.
Alec looks down at me, i nod.
"what?" i ask
"what your name?" he asks
I switch my promise ring to my left ring finger.
"Sage Aurora Accardi, married into the family." i smile
"oh." he says
"yea, so fuck off." i say flipping the bird and we walk off.
Alec smirks and walks into the main room.
"Alec!" a lady says
"hey grand-mère rosé" he says hugging her.
"who is this beautiful young lady?" she asks smiling at me."
"Sage, so nice to meet you." i say
"awhh, so you're the girl in Christmas photos with alec." she says
"indeed." i say.
"we're going to the bar." alec says
"ok love you." she says
We walk to another bar.
"that bartender was an ass." i say
"Sage Aurora Accardi has a really nice ring to it." he smirks
"i think so to." i say hugging him.

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