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I wake up in a random place.
god where am i?
I look around for alec.
He's no where to be seen.
"ahhh she's awake." i hear.
I look over.
That's the bartender.
"looks like you remember me darling." he smiles walking closer to me.
"where's alec?" i ask
"ohhh, your husband?" he asks
"answer the question." i demand.
"i have no clue, but i've worked for the accardi family for years, my plan was to find a wonderful girl that married into the family to make mine." he say lifting my chin up
"don't fucking touch me." i say
"you are perfect." he smiles
I'm not scared, just so confused, i know alec's family will come for me, they are a big part of the mafia.
"You'll be trapped inside this part of the house until they come to find you." he smiles
"no i won't." i say
"yes you will, ah looks like it's time for my shift. Bye dear." he says leaving
I get up and notice he didn't tie me up.
I begin yelling.
"HELP!" i yell
I begin hear the door handle rattling.
"she's in here." i hear a voice say
The door bust open and i see alec with blood all over him and a gun in his hand.
"sage." he says dropping his gun and pausing.
I get up and run into his arms.
"you're alive." he says
"you are too." i say
"you've been gone for almost 2 weeks." he says hugging me tighter.
"what?" i ask
"yea." he says
"i just woke up." i say
"i'm so glad i found you." he says pulling away
"who did you kill?" i ask
"a few people." he says
"we need to get out of here." i say
"ok, but did you see who did this to you?" he asks me.
"yes, the bartender from that night." i say
"no way, i didn't kill him." alec says
Alec's walks over to his station with me in his arms.
"mr. accardi." the bartender says
"shutup." alec's says
"mrs. accardi, it's been a while." he smiles
"yea like 5 minutes." i say
"you shouldn't spread lies like that." he smiles at me.
I look up at alec and he hands me the gun.
"god, you're pathetic." i say holding it up to him
"wow, don't get to big for your pants dear." he says laughing.
I pull the trigger and i feel blood go everywhere.
"holy shit." alec says
"he pissed me off." i say wiping the blood off my eyes
"good girl." alec says taking the gun
I look down at my white dress and see blood splatters everywhere.
"god that felt good." i say looking up at alec.
"you're hot when you are angry." he says
I kiss him.
"you ready to get out of here?" he asks
"yes." i nod.

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