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I enter my little abandoned house.

"i'm home" i yell, knowing no one is going to awnsers except the echos surrounding me.

When i was 14 my mother and father died in a car crash, i've been taking care of myself since then, nobody knows about it except for me, i've told nobody about my situation, i will never either.

I walk into the bathroom and look in the mirror. fuck me. My eye has bruised more since first period. ~OH MY GOD.~ I just remembered i was supposed to see alec after school, i grab my phone and text him.
sage: hey, sorry, i totally forgot, i'll be over in a bit:)
Alec: ok.

i walk to my room and brush out my hair and clean myself up before heading over. I begin to walk, it's only a 3 minute walk from my house to his house.

I knock on the door and his mom opens it.

"oh hello dear, do i know you?" his mother says
"probably not, but i'm here to see alec" i smile and say with a soft voice trying to sound friendly.

"ok, i'll go grab him, come in and have a seat." she says

"thank you."

she nods and walks up stairs. Minutes later alec walks down the stairs with his hoodie in his hand.

"hey sage." he says coming up and hugging me tightly.

"hey." i say smiling.

"let's go on a walk" he says holding out his hand, i take his hand and we walk out of the door.

"so, what the hell happened with you and lily?" he asks

"to shorten it up she walked up to me and pushed me into a locker and told me not to talk to you or touch you and then she punched me and i jumped on top of her and beat her ass" i say

"well looks like we're breaking her dumbass rules" he says pulling me closer

I smile.

"ok, so i have a plan" he says sitting down on a bench and i sit next to him.

"what is your plan?" i ask

"you can stay over tonight and we'll go to school tomorrow together" he says.

"ok" i say

"and i'm taking some photos of you to post." he says pulling out his phone.

"ugh ok fine." i say bouncing up and fixing my hair.

"uhm no covering your face." he says, i begin laughing and he snaps a photo.


"WHAT?" he asks

"I WASNT READY" i run up to him.

"I WASNT READY" i run up to him

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"wow. you're my pretty girl." he says

~my~ i think in my head

I blush and he looks at me making eye contact, we lean in closer making a long compassionate kiss.

"oh my FUCKING god." we hear a voice say, we break connection and look over and see lily.

"what the fuck did i tell you sage?" lily's says

"babe, i beat your ass. and he's not your's" i say, he pulls me in closer

"lily, leave us the fuck alone, including my family" alec says

"UGH." lily says storming away.

When alec and i get home we lay down and watch a movie, he begin falling asleep in my arms, he gave me one of his hoodies to wear. My eyes begin to shut slowly and i fall asleep with my pretty boy.

enjoy bby<3

This is dedicated to youbrokemyspirit

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