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I call alec.
"where the hell are we going." i say
"my vacation house." he says making a turn.
"in the middle of nowhere?" i ask
"mhm." he says
"we're here." he says
"ok." i say hanging up as we pull up to a wooden cabin, around 3,000 square feet.
"holy shit." i say.
I park behind him and jump out of the car and walk up to him.
"and i did get the bags." he says
"awh." i respond hugging him.
"yea, and you can be as loud as you want." he says
"mmm." i say smirking 
"but i'm sure i'll make everyone know you're mine and only mine."  he says pulling me closer.
I kiss him. Our tongues fighting for domination, i pull away and bite his lip as i pull away.
"let's hurry and get inside." he says gliding his hand across my ass.
"yea it's getting a little "cold." " I say
"mhm." he says pulling me into the house.
As we get inside he closes the door and turns towards me and begins kissing me, i kiss back immediately and wrap my arms around his neck. i pull away and walk to the kitchen.
Alec stands there confused.
I want to tease him, i won't let him get i too easily.
I walk to the cabinet and pull out a cup and fill it up with water, as i turn around i see alec storming towards me.
"you're going to finish what you started." he says
"i am?" i say teasingly
"yes." he says
"yes sir." i say setting down my water, I look back up and he swoops me up and walks upstairs to the bedroom.
We begin intensely making out and he begins ripping off his shirt and tie. I unbuckle his belt and unzip his pants.
"a little thirsty for me aren't you my little slut?" he says taking off my dress
"mhm." i say
"get on your fucking knees." he says
I get down on my knees and take his length out and insert it into my mouth.
"mm, so good, just for me" he says throwing his head back
"fuck." he says reaching his climax.
"get the fuck up." he says, he reaches over to his side table and grabs a condom and applied  it to his length.
"now make all of those thirsty douches see who's little slut you are." he says sitting me on his length.
He inserts it and a moan comes out of my mouth.
"that's it." he says
"make them hear who's you are." he say
"oh." i yell my face twisting.
He pumps into me and 3 minutes later i reach my climax.
"ale- i'm about to-" i begin
"don't until i tell you too" he says
I squeeze my walls holding it in, he begins pumping into me faster.
"go." he says
I release my pleasure and so does he.
"that's my good girl" he he's laying next to me and kissing me.
"i love you." i say hugging him, our body's touching each other.
"i love you too" he responds
We both begin falling asleep.

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