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"let's go in a walk, clear things out of our minds." i say holding my hand out.
"ok" sage says. she takes my hand and we begin walking in silence. After ten minutes i look down at her and see her looking up at me. We hold eye contact for a few minutes.
"you know what you're doing right?" i ask
"mhm" she says.
"fuck." i say, she smirks.
She lets go of my hand and runs to a street light and i run after her. I finally catch up to her.
"got you." i say turning her around.
"shit." she says.
"what?" i ask
"it's starting to rain" she says
"and?" i asks
"nothing" she says smirking up at me and hugging me.
It begins to rain harder.
"i love you alec." she says
"i love you to sage aurora rose." i say, our faces growing closer towards each other. Her lips touch mine and we begin kissing passionately.
Minutes later she pulls away and smiles. She lets her arms unravel around my neck and begins jogging towards the house. I grab her hand and run behind her, she giggles and suddenly stops and kisses me again.
~god, i love her.~ i say in my head.
She takes off again and makes it to the door.
"you got me wet." i say.
"hah, i didn't get all that wet." she say
I walk up to her looking down at her and put my hand on the door frame of the closed front door and she moves closer towards the door and our body's touch. Her chest moving up and down taking small breathes, I get close to her face and pull away suddenly from her.
"wet now? huh?" i say walking past her and opening the door.
"hello!" my mom greets us.
"hi momma" i say
"hey sage, are you ok?" my dad asks looking worried.
"yea" she responds.
"it's late, you two go get ready for bed." my mom says looking at the stove clock
"yes ma'am" i say taking sages hand heading up the stairs.
I shut my room door and we begin getting ready for bed. We lay and bed with my head in her chest.
"you know, you're and asshole alec." she says smirking
"how?" i say looking at her.
"how?! are you kidding?" she says
"oh, well you got me wet, so i did the same to you."
"yea but in a different way, that's not fair." she says
"you'll live" i say wrapping my arms around her waist.
"yea yea." she says playing with my hair.
I begin falling asleep.

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