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I begin driving to the beach and sage is on her phone.
She has no idea what's waiting for her.
I pull up to our destination.
"you ready?" i ask
"no" she half smiles
I get out of the car and open her door.
I hold out my hand for her to grab.
She grabs my hand and then my arm.
I look and see the area set up.
"don't look." i say running over.
She puts her hands over her eyes.
She stand in the perfect place, i wipe my hands off on my shirt and pull it out of my pocket.
"Sage Aurora Rose." I say
she opens her eyes.
"Will you marry me?" i ask getting on one knee.
I sit there in shock.
yes yes yes yes. i say in my head.
"Yes!!" I say jumping in his arms.
I pull away and kiss him.
We sit on the beach for hours and talk and i look down at my ring.
"We should get home, it's late." He says
"It is?" i ask
"yep, it's 5:40." he says
"oh my god." i say
He laughs while getting up.
I get up and get in the car.
"I need to check my mail." I say
"Ok." he says stopping at my house.
I get out and open the mail box.
A single letter is in there.
I look at the name, holly rose.
rose? that's my last name.
i open in immediately.
"Dear, sage, i've never reach out to you before but it is your grandmother, your mother left my home at a very young age, and i just heard about her passing, along with that your grandfather just recently, you met him at a very very young age, and he just passed from cancer, this is me inviting you to his funeral and for us to grow closer, you don't have to come but i would love for you to, it's set for july 22nd, in LA, California. -holly."
Oh my god, i have to go. i say in my head.
I jump in the car.
"I have something to say." i say
"yes?" alec asks
"i have to go to California on the 21 through the 25th, my grandfather died." i say
"do you want me to go?" i ask
"no it's ok." i say.
"ok, it's the 17." he says
"yea i know." i say
"i'm sorry you lost him." he says
"it's ok." i say
We pull into his drive way and go up to his room.
"i'm so tired" he says plopping on his bed.
"me too." i say kay down next to him.
"want to go to sleep?" he asks
"yes." i smiling and getting up.

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