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I wake up to light shining.
I look over and see alec sound asleep.
I ring the button for the nurse.
A nurse walks in, she's really pretty, short black hair, green eyes.
"Hi i'm savannah." She smiles
"I was wondering when i can leave?" I ask
"Whenever you would li-" she begins but looks over at alec.
She takes a big gulp and smiles
"Do you know him?" She asks
"Yes." I say
"Oh, is he your brother?" She asks
"No, he's my fiancé." I say
"I- Ill be right back." She says walking out.

I run to the bathroom and puke.
Why is he here with her, she was poisoned, did she drink that water.
I look in the mirror and fix myself up.
"I'm sorry about that." I say waking back into the room.
I see her packing up.
"The front desk will give you all your information, have a good day." I say walking away quickly.
I look down at my shoes and quickly bump into someone.
"Hey, im sorry." I hear a voice say, i look up and see a really handsome boy.
"I'm brayden." He says
"I'm savannah." I smile
He holds out a hand to help me up, i quickly run off.

"What are you doing here?! get out." I hear a voice say
"No! you said he cheated and got back with him, you need to be with me! ME!" I hear a male voice yell.
I open my eyes and see that dude that i beat up in my drive way.
I look at sage, she is crying.
"Why are you here?" I ask
"Man, why are YOU here?" He asks
"I'm her fiancé, i have a right to be here." I say
"Not when you cheat on her." He says
I walk up to him and punch him.
"You don't know the full story dip shit." I say as he falls to the ground.
I look at sage and grab her hand.
"You ready?" I ask
"Yes, get me out of here." She says as a tear runs down her cheek.
I nod and we walk out of the room.
I go to the front desk.
"Hey can we have all my papers?" She asks
"Name?" The lady asks
"Sage rose." She says
"Here, have a nice day." She says
We walk out and walk to the car.

As alec pulls out i see brayden walking out, he spots us.
"Fuck." Alec says.
"Drive." I say
Alec zooms off.
"Fuck." I say
"What?" He asks
"He knows where we live." i say
"Hold on." He says
The car rings as he calls someone.
"Yes?" I hear a voice say.
"Come to the house now." Alec says
"On my way." He says, the line hangs up.

We get home and i see his grandpa's car.
I smile.
We run inside and see a car pull up.
"Go upstairs." Alecs grandpa says
We nod and go upstairs.

We lay on alec's bed and i hug him tightly.
"I love you so much sage."
"I love you too alec." I say
"I've missed you so much." He says
"You have no idea." I say as he puts his head into my chest as we hear a gunshot.

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