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I wake up to alec's alarm going off.
"shut the fuck up." he says shutting the alarm off.
I bounce up and grab my clothes and change and get ready.
"sageeee" i hear from alec's room.
"yea?" i say walking in.
"i don't feel good." he says holding out his arms for me to hug him.
I walk up and hug him.
"do you need anything?" i ask
"can you run to the store and get me soup?" he asks.
"yea. where's your keys?" i ask
he points to his dresser.
"i'll be back." i say
he nods and i head to Walgreens.
I grab chicken noodle soup and a few bottles of medicine. I turn towards the check out and see jackson.
I turn around and walk the other direction
"wait. YET WE MEET AGAIN." he yells
"fuck off fucking weirdo." i say
"come on. where your boyfriend." he asks
"up your ass" i say walking towards the check out.
"hey how are you doing" the cashier asks.
"good." i say
"hey, i'm with her" jackson says grabbing my waist
"dont fucking touch me." i say.
"sir please leave her alone." the cashier says handing me my bags
"you know nothing." he says
"thank you, have a good day." i say
I take out my keys and phone and run towards the car, I unlock the car and jump in and lock the door quickly.
Suddenly i feel the car shake and see jackson banging on my window.
"LET ME IN SAGE." he yells
"HOW THE FUCK DO YOU KNOW MY NAME CREEP." i say starting the car.
"I KNOW WHERE YOU LIVE, I WILL GET YOU ONE WAY IR ANOTHER." i reverse out of the parking lot and drive towards the house.
"hey siri, call alec." i say to my phone
"calling alec"
I hear the phone ring and i pull over and begin sobbing.
"sage?" i hear a voice say.
"i got everything but the waiter was there and said he knows where i live and-"
"where are you?" he says cutting me off.
"uhm 5 minutes from the house." i say
"im coming." alec says hanging up.
I lay my head down on the steering wheel.
5 minutes later i look up and see alec walking towards the car, i jump out and leap into his arms.
"are you okay?!" he asks me
"i'll be fine" i say burying my head into his chest.
"let's go." he says jumping into the drivers seat and drives off.
"the house is the other way." i say
"i know." he says clenching his fists on the steering wheel.
We get to Walgreens and alec's hops out of the car and head towards jackson.
Alec pushes jackson to the ground and begins punching him in the face. Jackson try's to punch alec but catches his nose and his nose begins bleeding. He jumps off jackson and spits on him and walks over to the car.
"alec are you ok?" i ask
"yea." he says zooming off to the house.

When we get to the house he runs up to the room and i grab a wet paper towel and walk upstairs.
"alec." i say walking up to him, i sit on his lap facing him and i begin cleaning the small cut on his face. I turn and dip the towel in the water continuously, i keep hearing whimpering and i feel a bulge in his pocket.
"babe. quit moving so much or it's not going to be good." he says grabbing my waist.
~oh shit~ i know exactly what he's talking about. I finish cleaning his cut and i hug him.
"thank god you stopped moving." he says kissing me.
I kiss his jawline and run my hand down his abdomen. He whimpers and i bounce up  and lay next to him and get in my phone.
"you're fucking with me." he says hugging me.
"paybacks a bitch" i say.

Later that night i get up to get water. I get on my tippy toes to reach the cup, i feel a arm reach over me and grab the cup and lift it up out of my height range.
"alec! give it" i whisper.
"beg for it." he says.
" i-"
"please alec, i'm thirsty, i love youuuuu." i say
"beg." he says.
"pleaseee, i'm so thirsty." i say
"yea for me." he says
"now, beg." he says.
"alec please, please, please." i say
"no." he say.
I jump on the counter and reach for it.
He picks me up and sits me down on the counter. He kisses me and whispers in my ear.
"beg." he pulls away.
"alec." i say.
"please. alec." i say
He lowers his hand and hands me the cup.
"there you go." he removes his hand from my upper thigh and heads up stairs
"asshole." i say taking a sip of water.

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