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Alec Pov:
I wake up before sage.
I better go get it.
"Mom if sage gets up tell her i went to get eggs" i tell my mom
"ok." she smiles
I begin driving to Tiffany and Co.

Once i arrive a buy a very special thing and begin going home.

On my way home i think, where should i do it at?
The beach?
A botanical garden?
Her favorite place on earth?
Her favorite place on earth is the beach.
I think i'll do it there.
I walk up to the door and walk in and show my mom what i got.
"wow, she's going to love it." she says
"i think i'm going to do it." i say
"AHHH NO WAY!" she yells

Sage pov:
"AHHH NO WAY!" i hear someone scream.
I jump and and run downstairs.
I see alec and his mom.
"are you ok?" i ask
"oh yea uhm, my package is coming in." she says
"oh ok." i say
"good morning beautiful." alec says walking up and hugging me putting something in his pocket.
"goodmorning." i smile
"you still up for L's party?" he asks
"sure." i smile
"ok, it starts at 7 so." he says
"it's only 12" i say
"i know" he says
"i'm so tired." i say
"let's rest before we get ready." he says
"ok." i say
He picks me up and takes me upstairs.
We lay down and watch Harry Potter.

I wake up and see alec packing.
"What are you doing?" I ask
"Beach date." He says
"Ok." I say getting up.

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