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I arrive at the airport and check through security and get on my flight.
I'm not prepared for what i'm about to walk into but i want to.
I get off my flight and see my grandma waiting.
"Sage..." she says tearing up.
"Hi." i wave.
"You've grown so much." she says
I smile awkwardly and she opens the door for me.
"Thank you holly" I say
"Call me nana." She says.
I nod and put my seatbelt on.

We get to her house and i go to the guest bedroom and take a shower and go to sleep.

I wake up and hear my alarm go off, his seeing is today, i don't want to wear my engagement ring, i don't want it to remind my nana that she lost her best friend and husband.
I set it on the bedside table and look outside and see it pouring rain.
I also want to visit my mother, either way she wasn't there for me, it's not her fault, it's not her fault my dad left her, it's not her fault she wanted to escape and wanted to do it one way, it's not her fault she couldn't take care of me, she's my mom, i can't hate her, she was there when i was little, i miss her, i miss her voice, her love, her smile that faded away slowly, i miss her like crazy. It's not her fault my dad was abusive and manipulative and overdosed, he was a shitty dad, but he's still my dad, i don't hate him, but i don't necessarily love him like a daughter should love her father.
I wipe away a warm tear off my cheek and begin getting ready.
I pull on a slightly tight dress, and put a black cover up over it and pull on black heels.

I walk downstairs and see nana wiping away her tears and smiling in the mirror, her lip quivers and she begins sobbing. Oh no.
I walk back upstairs and text alec.
"Hey, i miss you and love you."

"Hey, i miss you and love you." i see a text pop up in my phone.
I look over and see a naked body next to me, a girl. What did i do? I got wasted last night at the club.
"Hey baby." I hear a voice say.
A beautiful girl with jet black hair, green eyes, short hair and plump lips turn towards me.
"Who are you?" I ask rubbing my eyes.
"Savannah." she says
"what did we do?" i ask
"We hooked up." she says
"You're funny." I say
"Huh." She asks
I look at my hand and see my wedding ring gone.
Fuck my life.
I look on my nightstand and it's no where to be seen.
"Where did my ring go?" I ask
"You threw it away saying 'I'm single, i don't have a bitch no more.'" she says shrugging.
"Fuck." I say
"What's wrong?" She asks
"I'm engaged." I say
"huh." She says.
I look in her green eyes.
fuck, she's gorgeous.
You have a fiancé.
I stare at her longer and i kiss her.
"i can't." I say
I open my phone.
"Hey, i miss you and love you too." I respond and shut off my phone.
I look over and she is laying down, i can't resist her. I kiss her.

We get at the funeral home and i walk in and see a handsome young boy with the bluest/greenish eyes i've ever seen, one eye is green and the other is a cold ice blue.
He smiles.
"Not everyone here we're related to, their just friends." She says
"Who's he?" I ask
"Oh one of his bestfriend's grandson." nana says.
I nod and look around.
"Hey, i miss you and love you too." I see a text.
That's weird, short, copied, hmm.
"I have to use the restroom." I say
I walk to the bathroom and FaceTime alec.
He awnsers and i see him and another girl naked in his bed.
"alec..." I say
He stops kissing her and looks at the phone.
"sage.." He says
"Fuck you." I say hanging up.
I begin sobbing.
I don't ruin my makeup.
I trusted him.
I look in the mirror and fix myself up and walk out and see the boy smiling, god he has a nice smile.
I stand and look at the flowers and notes.
"Hey." I hear a voice say.
"Sage right?" I see the boy say
"Uh yea." I smile
"Your grandfather talked about you a lot." He says
"He did ?!" I ask
"Yea." He smiles
"Oh." i say
"I'm brayden." He smiles.
"Nice to meet you." I say
"Can i get your number." He asks
"I'm-" i begin and cut myself off.
I'm not engaged, if he's cheating, we're over.
"Yea." I say and begin writing it down.
"I'll see you around sage." He smiles while walking away.

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