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"So." his grandpa says
"yes?" alec asks
"you alec, did an amazing job finding sage." he smiles
"thank you." alec says
"you sage did an amazing job killing your kidnapper." he says
"well he pissed me off and hurt me so." i say
"i think you'd be a good addition to the family." he says winking at alec.
"ahh just look at what i got her today." alec says
"oh my god, how beautiful." his grandpa says
"i know, just wait for her wedding ring." he says
I smile.
"Well, you guys go enjoy your day." his grandfather says.
We leave.
"I love you zehra." he says walking with me.
"i love you too." i smile.
"let's go somewhere." he says opening the door.
"where?" i ask
"the beach?" he asks me
"sure." i smile
We get to his house.
"stay here." he says
"how will i get my bathing suit?" i ask him
"i'll choose it" he says
"fine." i say
He shuts the door and runs in.

We get to the beach.
He picks me up and runs into the water.
We both giggle.
I kiss him and he kisses me back.

He looks over at our stuff and i see his face, he looks confused.
"fuck." he says looking over at me
"what?" i ask rubbing his cheek with my face
"nothing, but i just can't kill anyone on the beach today" he says
"what?" i ask him confused
"the person who owes my dad money and my dad asked me to kill him." he says to me.
"oh." i say
"just hide our faces." he says
"ok." i say

After the debtor leaves i get out and check my phone.
"hey, i'm going to the beach with my boyfriend." my friend tells me
"ouu, i'm at the beach with alec" i respond and jump in the water.

After a while i see them and we all get in the water and talk and laugh.

"let's play chicken." L my friend suggests
"you're on." i say
I get on alec's shoulder and we begin fighting.
"Hah i win!" i say
"whatever." she laughs.
"victory is ours!" i yell as alec kisses my cheek.

We go home.
"we should go to L's party tomorrow" alec's says
"sure." i smile

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