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I sit on the beach after i drop savannah off, she asked me to pick her up tomorrow to talk but i don't want to talk to anyone but sage.
I sit up realizing it is morning.
I look down at my phone and see it's dead.
I jump in the car and zoom home.

I open my eyes to a room i don't recognize, i look down and see an arm wrapped around my waist, i turn and see brayden.
I turn around and hug him.
"Good morning." He says smiling.
"Morning." I say as he snugs his head into my chest.
I hear my phone buzz.
"I'll be right back." I tell brayden.
He nods as i go to the bathroom.
I look at my phone and it's alec.
I answer
"What?" I ask
"Sage." He says
"What do you want? are you still with your girlfriend?" I ask
"Sage, please..." He says
"You hurt me, that's on you alec, not on me and i've found someone, just like you did, so please, if you do end up with her don't do what you did to me, because it hurts like hell, and if anything i hope she does it to you." I say as a tear falls.
"You found someone..?" He asks, i can tell he's about to cry.
"Yes alec, i did." I say.
The other end of the line is silent.
"So you don't want to work it out?" He asks
"No." I say
"Ok, i understand, but when you come back, please come see me." He says
"I'm sorry alec, i don't mean to hurt you but you hurt me more than anything or anyone could ever have." I say completely ignoring his question.
I hang up and bend over the sink as i sob.

Moments later i fix myself and walk out into his room.
He isn't in here.
I lye down and suddenly feel an arm snake around my waist.
"Who was that?" He asks
"My ex." I say
He doesn't respond.
"My flight is tomorrow." I say
"You're leaving?" He asks jumping up.
"Yea." I nod
He runs to his closet and begins packing.
"What are you doing?" I giggle
"I mean, i need to get to know you." He says
"And?" I ask
"I'm going to Massachusetts." He says
He gets on his phone and it takes about 30 minutes.
"Cancel your flight." He says
"Why?" I ask
"We're going on my bosses private jet." He says
"Tomorrow?!?" I ask
"Yes." He nods.
I jump up and hug him.
"I hate flying alone." I say.
"Well, you're not alone." He says
"I have to go to my grandmas." I say.
"Ok." He says swiping up his keys.

I go to my grandmas, pack and we go to sleep.

I wake up to an alarm, i look over and see brayden's alarm.
I sit up and wake him up.
I hug him.
He sits up and smiles at me.
"Morning." I say
"Good morning." He says
"You ready?" I ask
"Yes." He says jumping up.

We get on the plane and arrive in Massachusetts.

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