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As I walk into school i can feel all the eyes staring into my back.

~fucking hate this place and people but i have to put a show on~

i say in my head.

"YOOO ITS ALEC" someone yells in my ear as i walk up to my locker.

The lockers in my school. have little shelf to set stuff on, i take out sage's perfume.

"yo alec, who's perfume is that dude?" i hear another dude say

"sage's." i say shutting my locker and slinging my backpack over my shoulder.

"ew." i hear lily's voice, i roll my eyes and put on a smile and look back at her.

"what? she's a really nice and funny girl." i say

"omg and you have a hair tie on your wrist for her?" she asks rolling her eyes.

"yes and?" i say walking into the classroom.

"ugh" she rolls her eyes at me

"what is someone jealous. it's not like you and i are dating lily. Get the fuck over it." i say seriously.

the room goes silent and all the students look at me, lily's eyes fluffing with tears. fuck.

"you know fuck you alec." she says walking out of the classroom.
I roll my eyes and pull out my pencil.

As i walk to class in the empty hall ways knowing the 1 minute warning bell went off more than a minute ago. My back smacks into the locker all of a sudden, i look up and see lily, ugh. wtf.

"stay away from alec or i will end you." she says with her makeup running down her face.

"what the fuck is your problem? plus babe you need a damn breathe mint" i say

"fuck you. Anyways stay away from
him" she says punching me in the face.

I push her down and throw a bunch of punches to her face.

"i didn't do shit lily. hop off my fucking dick. he invited me over. get over it." i say getting off of her and walking off.

"WHAT THE FUCK SAGE." she says wiping blood off her nose.

I walk away into the classroom, i see alec staring at me.

"miss burrows. you're late." i hear the teacher stay.

"yea ok." i say

"anyways, may i go to the nurse, i need ice." i ask

"hurry." the teacher says

I walk out of the room walking past the place i beat her ass noticing she's walking out of the school building.

I see sage walk in with a black eye and bloody lip. The teacher fusses at her and let's her go to the nurse.

"May i use the restroom?" i ask the teacher

"make it quick." he says

I bounce out of my seat and run out of the room trying to catch up to sage. i see her walking, i walk up to her.

"wtf happened, are you ok?" i asking twisting her around and pulling her closer.

"i'm fine, but lily's worse" she says turning around heading back towards the nurse.

"i don't fucking care about lily." i say

"you don't?" she asks confused

"no i don't, meet me at my car after school" i demand in a serious voice.

"ok" she says. We part our ways

I fucking hate lily, somethings going to stop, and it has nothing to do with sage.

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