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I hear the front door slam, my vision is blurry and i'm really dizzy.
"Alec?" I ask as i hear footsteps.
"I'm here." I hear a comforting voice say.
He picks me up and sets me in his car.
My vision goes black and i pass out.

I zoom to the hospital and make a call.
"Hello?" I hear my grandfather say.
"It's alec." I say
"What do you need son?" He asks confused.
"Someone poisoned me, but it didn't effect me as hard as it has sage." I say as my eye blur with tears.
"Sage?!" He asks
"Yea, i'm zooming to the hospital, but i have to have a meeting with you later." I say
"Ok, update me." He says
"I will." I say ending the line.
I pull into the hospital and park quickly and pick sage up and run her inside.
"Someone, help me!" I say.
"What happened?" A nurse says running up to me.
"She was poisoned." I say
"Do you know what with?" The nurse asks
"No." I say
"Wait here." She says
I watch them wheel her away into the back of the hospital.
I sit in the waiting room.

Hours pass by.
I can't get my mind off her.
"Mr. Accardi?" I hear a voice say.
I jump up.
"Yes?" i ask as i wipe my hands off.
"She's ready to see you." The nurse says
I walk past the nurse and see her.
I sit down next to her bed.
She smiles.
"Sage." I say
"So, she was poisoned with Richin, which is a brand from castor oil, we're lucky she survived but she it is a lot deadlier to her than most people, did you happen to bring the object that could have been poisoned?" The nurse asks
"Yes." I say handing her the water bottle.
"We're going to turn this into the police, we'll update you as soon as possible, but sage will have to stay her for the night and we will release her." She says
I nod.
"Thank you." I say
I turn towards sage as the door closes.
"How do you feel?" I ask
"Better." She says
I squeeze her hand.
"I love you." I say.
"I love you too alec." She says.
I lie down next to her and fall asleep.

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