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I wake up and slip out of her soft grip and make a call.
"hey, i would like to purchase a car." i say
5 minutes later i hang up and wake sage up.
"i'll be back." i say
"ok." she says
I walk out of the hotel and walk to the fancy dressing store.
"hey i need a black dress, knee length long sleeve dress, and a normal black tuxedo." i say
"where would you like that delivered to?" the worker asks.
"the hotel right next to here, floor 11 and room 1,1008" i say
"ok. see you in a bit." he says
"ok." i say walking out
I walk back to the hotel and go to the room, i walk in and see sage still sleeping.
I begin getting ready and then i begin waking her up.
"wake up sage." i say kissing her cheek.
"hey alec." she says hugging me
"i have dinner clothes on the way." i say
"ok" she says.

Later we are ready and walk out to the lobby of the hotel.
"sir, will you take a photo of us in-front of the tree?" i ask a man

"thank you

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"thank you." i say taking the phone.
the man smiles and walks away.

"AHHH!" she says looking up at me.
"uhm do you know how to drive?" i ask her.
"yea?" she says confused
"ok." i say
"i have a present for you love." i say handing her a small box.
She looks up at me confused.
She opens the box and sees car keeps but with a S on it.
"haha, very funny." she says
I sit there and look at her car from the door.
"wha-" she says
"like your car?" i ask
"HUH?" she says
"yea." i say pointing to the car.
"AHHHHH." she jumps into my arms.
"THANK YOU ALEC." she says
"you're welcome love." i kiss her
She runs out the doors and unlocks the car and starts it
"i'm taking my car." i say walking over
"ok!!!" she says excitedly
I get in my car and start heading over to the restaurant.

I get into my car and begin driving off to the restaurant, i see alec following me but he gets lost behind me from traffic.

I arrive and jump out of the car and stand next to my car and stand on my phone and see a text from alec
"hey i'm going to be 10 minutes." he says
"ok." i text back.
5 minutes later i see a group of boys walking up to me.
"hey pretty lady." one winks
"nice car. take me for a ride and then i'll take you for one on my disco stick" he says
"fuck off." i say
"ouuu, naughty naughty." a boy says walking up to me, i unlock my car and jump in but it's too late, he grabs my wrist and pulls me out.
"come with me, you don't have a boyfriend, and if you do he won't do anything." he says
"don't speak to me like that." he says tightening his grip on my wrist.
"SUCK MY DICK" is say kicking him in the balls.
"oh that's it-" he says running towards me, i close my eyes but don't feel anything and just hear people yelling. I look up and see alec.
~shit.~ i say in my head
"touch her again, i. will. end. you." alec says dropping him and fixing his suit.
"come on." he says putting his arm on my waist.
We walk into the restaurant and sit down in a booth.
"sage." he says stressed.
"did you lock your car." he asks.
"no." i say
"go lock it, hurry." he says.
I get up and walk out of the restaurant and lock it.
"HEYY PRETTY GIRL." i hear a boy yell looking at me, i flip the bird and walk back into the restaurant.
"god i fucking hate people." i say.
"yea, but i'm glad you kicked him." he says
"yea, i had to do something." i say

After dinner he tells me to go to a destination and follow him, after a little i notice i'm in the middle of no where.

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