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I wake up to see alec getting everything ready.
"morning." he says looking at me with a smile.
"good morning." i say stretching.
"we have to leave in a bit, kinda sad." he says walking over to me.
"me too." i say
"but. tomorrow is christmas." he says
"yay!" i say
"i have to go shopping later." he says
"what?! you already brought me here and got me a car." i say
"and?" he says
"i have to go shopping later too." i say
"huh? you already got me 10 gifts." he says
"and?" i mock him.
"you're an ass." he says beginning to tower over me.
"you aren't?" i question, his life hovering over mine.
He stands over me for a hot minute and suddenly i feel my body being vastly fast lifted up from the bed.
I wrap my arms around his next and my legs around his waist.
He leans in and out tongues begin fighting.
Minutes later he pulls away and hugs me.
"let's go." he says setting me down, i grab my phone and keys and head to our cars. We begin driving away and i follow him the whole way home.
As we drive into boston at 7pm he pulls up to a party.
"ou." i say
He walks up to my car with a suit on.
"how did you get that on?" i ask
"gas station." he says putting his hand out.
"i look like a bum." i say taking his hand.
He walks to my trunk and opens it and pulls out a brand new dress.

"you really are obsessed with silk dresses, aren't you?" i question

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"you really are obsessed with silk dresses, aren't you?" i question.
"yes, indeed i do, only on you." he says
"awh." i say
"where am i going to change?" i ask
"your car." he says sighing
"i've done it 300 million times so." i say taking the dress and getting in the back of my car.
3 minutes later i get out of my car and slip in black heels.
"fucking hot." he says towering above me
"thank you love." i say hugging him.
He pulls out his phone and begins taking a picture of us and we makes faces.
He pulls a photo up.

"AHHH!" i squealHe kisses me

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"AHHH!" i squeal
He kisses me.
"ok, let's go." he says
We walk into the party.
"who's party is this again?" i ask looking up at him
"someone from our school." he says shrugging.
"i'm going to grab us some drinks." he says
I nod and look around.
"Omg!!! sage!" i hear someone say behind me, i turn around and see lily.
"uhm." i say confused
"i'm so slammed." she says sticking her tounge out.
"cool." i say awkwardly
"where's alec?" she asks
"idk." i say
"ugh, he's so hot and i just want to lick his abs so bad." she says
"no." i say
"huh?" she says
"i'm his girlfriend and you aren't." i say
"still." she says.
I glare at her and feel alec's hand glide across my waist and handing me my drink.
"thank you." i say
"you're welcome." he says kissing me.

10 minutes later, lily, alec, me and a bunch of other girls and boys.
"ok, sage truth or dare?" a girl asks
"truth." i say
"is it true you and lily are still on good terms?" she asks.
I shrug.
"Truth or dare." i say pointing to a random girl.
"dare!" she says
"I dare you to take a shot of your least favorite alcohol." i say
"easy." she says standing up and grabbing vodka.
She takes a shot and runs to the bathroom.

After a few people go the attention goes to me again.
"truth or dare?" a girl says
"dare." i say
"lick pixie stick powder of a body part on anybody in this room." she says smirking
My mind flashes back to what lily said at the start of the party.
I jump up out of alec's lap and i unbutton his shirt.
"oh shit." one dude says
I pour a line of blue pixie stick powder on his and line and look at lily, she has her jaw dropped and her eyebrows curled, looking furious.
I get on my knees and stick out my tongue and look up at alec and begin licking the pixie stick powder off his ab line, he smirks and moves the hair out of my face and behind my ear.
I jump up and sit back on his lap.
"FUCK YOU." lily says jumping up, i smirk and take a drink of my drink.
"YOU KNEW I WANTED TO DO THAT." she says storming away.
Alec looks at me and kisses me, when we pull away we smirk at eachother.
People begin asking questions again and me and alec begin flirting and i tease him by moving around in his lap.
He puts his lips to my ears and whispers.
"lets go, you're starting to piss me off." he says kissing my neck, i nod and get up and we walk out.

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