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Alec's Pov:
Sage is a very confusing girl, I want to get to know her. Today was interesting, she got jealous, but she isn't the type to get jealous about me. I drive home in my matte black MazdaRX7. She didn't meet me at school. I don't know one single thing about her, but the one thing I do know is that we will NEVER ever get together. My parents and lily's parents have know each other since we were born, we grew up together and our parents think we'll get married some day.

"ALEC!" I hear from down stairs, I jump up from my bed and walk downstairs.

"yes mom?" I respond

"me and your father have a dinner party with lily's parents. I don't expect you to go" she says looking into the mirror.

"ok" I respond

"1 rule. Please be good." she says turning towards me.

"i will. You look great mom"

"thank you, and yes you can order a pizza"


She giggles and begins to walk away.

"oh one more thing mom. May I invite a friend over?" I ask.

"yes." she says grabbing her car keys and hugging me.

"I love you, be good and text me if you need anything."

"I love you too and i will."

I grab my phone and text her. She responds and says she will be on her way.

I make and order for a pizza and clean up a bit and put on a movie.

*ding dong*

I hear my door bell ring and i run downstairs to the door, when i open it i see sage.

"Hey sage, come in" i say closing the door and putting my arm over her shoulder.

"why did you invite me over instead of lily?" she asks.

"Because you're more fun to be around you." i say with a smile

"oh." she says smiling

She smells like strawberries, I never liked strawberry perfume but it smell's good on her. Another thing she always does is keep her hair in a ponytail.

"I ordered pizza and I thought we could watch a scary movie" I say.

"ok" she says sitting down on the couch.

"I'll be back" i say as i hear the door bell ring.

"thank you for bringing the flowers and chocolate and the teddy bear, plus the pizza." i say grabbing the things and handing him 20 bucks. I shut the door and walk in the living room.

"suprise" i say handing her the things i bought her.

She jumps up and hugs me. I hug her back.

"thank you alec..." she says smiling and blushing.

"you're welcome."

We sit down and begin watching the movie, we were talking and laughing for most of the movie. After we re-started the movie she begin falling asleep in my arms, I lift her up and begin walking up the stairs to my bedroom and set her in my bed and i lay next to her and we both fall asleep.

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