Chapter 25 (Bunny and Little Lion)

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Chapter 25 (Bunny and little lion)

Zhan Xian being a gentleman wanted to help Wangyi onto the horse, before he could do anything, the light weight Wangyi already step and then hop onto the horse better than a professional horse rider. Thus, it is true that Wangyi is good at horse riding, the way he float his body over to the house, anyone can tell. There is great satisfaction on both Wangyi and Zhan Xian's face but maybe not so the samw with Wen Ning, who missed out the chance riding on little white who is famous for his speed and strong and smooth ride.

Zhan Xian then hop into the little black easily without much effort and he turns around and then lower himself towards the front and speaks to his little black horse

"You are the man now, lead your little white wife" Zhan Xian then talk to his little black horse.

Jingyi heard it and then he turns to Zhan Xian

"Little white is the wife of little black?" Jingyi asks with amusement

Wangyi who is now playing and patting the horse then heard it and turns to look at Zhan Xian with surprises on his face. Immediately he says straight from his mind

"Hey, since they are a couple, don't separate them, it is sad and cruel" when Wangyi was saying this, his mind flew back to the times that his mother was away from his father, he knew that his mother misses his father a lot although Cheng Ching didn't shows it but sometimes those words such as

"I hope you father take care of himself"

"AH, it is very cold in the capital, I hope he has thick warm clothes"

"I hope Xichen drink hot soup like now you are drinking"

All these words of endearment and longing will automatically shoot out from his mother Cheng Ching mouth when they were doing something in Cheng Tribes together. The long suffering was difficult and painful for them.

After those words, Wangyi eyes becomes red and then he tries to hide it by looking far ahead, trying to hold on to his tears. Zhan Xian has always been observing those beautiful eyes and of course he is aware.

"Hey, the past is the past, now you are with your family now, alright" if not for the ancient believes that girl and boy should keep a distance, Zhan Xian really would like to pat his head and hug him. However, as this point, it is not even possible because as a prince that had brought up with strict protocol, he knew it is not well received.

Wangyi heard those consoling and smoothening words from Zhan Xian and somehow it ease his soul and he turns around and smile with those watery and misty eyes.

"Thank you" very soft and gentle together with those sweet cherry lips and the eyes that looks like the ocean that fills with droplets from the sky, Zhan Xian feels like he needs to get some sanity into his mind and so he just nods his head earnestly and begins to take his eyes from that dangerous scene and pat his horse

"Mount your horse now" Zhan Xian turns around and make sure that evey ohe has alrady mounted themselves onto the horse and gives a shout

"Let's go" Zhan Xian pat the back of his horse and straight away the horse gallop like the gust of wind and of course following him behind steadily is his "wife" little white and thus their horse were quite a bit faster and thus further away from the two Wen Ning and Jingyi behind.

Jingyi seems very anxious when he saw the horses in front galloping further and further away and he tries very hard to get his own horse moving faster but still the distance between them gets wider and wider.

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