Chapter 28 (Song and Promise)

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Chapter 28 (Song and promise)

However, Zhan Xian hates to see Wangyi sad eyes and so he tries to be cheerful and told Wangyi

"I will definitely find you if you are in the palace" Zhan Xian told Wangyi

The ray of hope seems to shine on Wangyi's face and he nods his head fervently.

"Please find me"

Wangyi was really shy when those word split out of his mouth, however, this is really his heart desire to have connection, to have someone in an unknown place to go to and maybe even guard him. Those kind of desire and fear are now very visible in those beautiful phoenix eyes, it even carries the misty frost look that has already invaded into Zhan Xian heart.

"I will definitely find you" Zhan Xian answer according to his heart beat and also the desire of his heart. His mouth has no control anymore, it has been guarded or not commanded by his heart.

Wangyi is so straight forward with his feelings that he even share his joy

"Then I won't be that scare anymore" Wangyi looks straight into Zhan Xian's eyes and then he pouts a little, just a little with his lips moving a little forward

Inside Zhan Xian heart, all he can fathom is "Too Cute, Too Cute and still Too Cute".

Fortunately, Zhan Xian is a man of high intellect and thus he still can reframe his mind

"What are you scare of?" Zhan Xian asks and he realized that he is actually alos a little anxious for Wangyi now

Wangyi think for a while and then he reply

"Well, the unknown of the palace" Wangyi still standing close to Zhan Xian and thus every expression is very clear to the prince mind.

"I know the palace very well"

"I will guard you"

The prince promise not only to Wangyi but also to himself that he need to help this little lost lion. Wangyi also feels a little assured now and so he nods his head.

"Are you feeling better now?" Zhan Xian asks Wangyi who seems to be still thinking

"Uh huh!, I think so" Wangyi told Zhan Xian

Wangyi then suddenly smile, now looking at the forest, those trees can grow on their own and survive even without guardian, the river will naturally flows from the upper to the lower, the wind will still continue to blow, even if there are storm that tries to obstruct them or even trying to change their direction to the extent of lowering their speed. Looking around the jungle, all these naturally environments does helps Wangyi to toss some of his worry away, this is especially so, holding onto the little bunnies who still able to survive in the jungle even though sometimes they can be in danger.

"If the bunnies can survive in this jungle, I think I can survive in the palace. I am a lion" Wangyi stoking the bunny in his palm and talking Zhan Xian.

Zhan Xian loves the optimistic outlook of Wangyi but he is still worry

"This is a very good thought but you are still a little baby lion" Zhan Xian told Wangyi.

Wangyi then looks at Zhan Xian and frowns

"Then, how do I find the big bunny in the palace then?" Wangyi asks with curiosity.

Zhan Xian is really in deep thought, he hasn't let Wangyi knows about his identity and also he actually always travels out without anyone knowing, maybe only the emperor and his mother. He is not just a prince that enjoys his luxury life, his life is more than that but how can he tells Wangyi, this little baby lion is still young and he doesn't want to put his life in danger.

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