Chapter 22 (Fishing)

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Chapter 22 (Fishing)

Wangyi pouts and continue to use his pair of fair hands to try and catch again.

Zhan Xian watches the cute 'girl' and wanted to help her, so he uses his inner qi to push heaps of fishes toward Wangyi, making Wangyi really excited and after a few tries, he finally manages to catch one

"I got one! Yeah! I got one!" Wangyi shouted out loud with his prize catch and lifts up the fish for everyone to see, it looks exactly like a ten years old, happy with the Christmas toy. This makes the third prince extremely pleased looking at the happily smiling face of the beauty.

However, Wen Ning seems unhappy as he wonders why all the fishes are now encircling Wangyi and so he quickly moved himself toward the pool of circling fishes and trying to catch from there.

"Oiiii, you are trespassing, this area is mine" Wangyi frowns and got a bit agitated, the streams is so huge why is this guy coming to his territory where he could see all the fishes swimming about.


"You didn't a sign board with your name"

"I didn't even hear "Wang Wang" barking"

"So nothing signify that this place is your"

Wen Ning has a tough childhood when he grew up. He finds himself very lucky to be "adopted" by the third prince and be his personal servant, travels with hi, wide and far. In this life, he really treats the third prince as his family or even above his family, like his life depends on him. This dependency had make him wanting to improve himself more for the prince, also his life and the third prince has a very wide comparison. Like the Prince and the pauper. Unbeknown probably even to himself, he always tries his best to do his work properly or even to the best, to proof that he is of something or maybe of value, which he felt he never have because of his family background. Thus, when Wangyi catch a fish, he subconsciously wanting to catch one for the prince to see, to prove that he is also not that bad. The prince is not silly, he knew that part of Wen Ning, this is because the prince has a very good marital art master who helps Zhan Xian to understand Wen Ning.

Zhan Xian looking at the two, one is his loyal servants for several years and the other is an innocent child whom he feels like something in his heart needed to protect him.

The cute Wangyi pouts

"b-But, I always stand here and the fishes comes to swim around me ma"

"The place is so big, each of us should have a space"

"This is my place, the fishes like me" Wangyi told Wen Ning.

Wen Ning then laughs

"You mean the fishes wanted to kill themselves and let you catches them" Wen Ning laughs at Wangyi and makes Wangyi has a redden eyes.

Wen Ning has no experience and doesn't know entirely that his young master has already likes the person.

"M-Maybe so, they just likes me, me, me, wwuuuaachhh" Wangyi opens his mouth and the sound of the little crying could be heard by Jingyi and Zhan Xian while the little short naughty Wen Ning is laughing away.

Immediately Zhan Xian moves towards Wangyi and wanting to do some comforting but Jingyi already there holding onto Wangyi

"Oiiii, you makes him cries" Jingyi sulks and glares at Wen Ning

Wen Ning suddenly stops, he has no intention of that sort but he could be going overboard and this is usually not his nature, however, he also likes to play with Wangyi and teases him because this person is cute and his young master seems not so wary about him.

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