Chapter 67 (Fight for your love II)

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Chapter 67 (Fight for your love II)

The emperor sitting on the high throne is enjoying his food with his precious Ching-er but he has long ears and eagle eyes and he saw all the happenings but he did not interfere. His children are well prepared and he knew that it is a good chance for them to learn to protect their love ones. The emperor believes in training and guarding his children all the times but the real life experiences of challenges still has to be bore by them.

The atmosphere is tense up now as many royalties and high post delegates are also cursing themselves because they are too immersed in the delicious food that they lost the opportunities to pick up the challenges, such beautiful people and they don't have a chance to marry them, thus, their hearts are sour looking at them, even those delicious food cannot curb the bitterness in their hearts.

After that, the emperor raise his hand and announce for the challenges to start.

"This is the yearly challenges and it seems that it has been decided. We, Wei country is a fair and honest country and will start the challenges now" the emperor speaks and everyone went back to their seats.

The empress gritted his teeth and praying to her own god that Zhan Xian will be defeated. She really wishes that after all her suffering tonight and now still hungry and full of suffocation of anguish that she could find an outlet and the only way is that the third prince and Wangyi lost their challenges, that will bring a big slap to the emperor who has been ignoring her for more than twenty years.

On the other hand, the emperor looks at his loving son and nods at each other full of assurance and trust.

The Barbarian Prince seems impatient and he already walks to the middle of the hall and using his big fist beating his chest twice like he is waiting for his opponent to come, he has a look for belittling which could be a strategies of intimidation.

Zhan Xian has changed into his fighting suit which is a pure white suit, his waist has been tied fitly which show off his broad chest and well build figure. All in all he looks like a Prince Charming which makes the Barbarian Princess drools.

Zhan Xian gives Wangyi an assurance look and mouth to her "I will not let you down" while the little cute pie just perk up her fist and mouth "I trust you", all the supporters of the organising team just pat on his shoulder with a word "Jiayou".

Now, both the challengers are in the centre part of the hall, the hall is really huge and even with any fighting, it is still good enough. The emperor has placed palace guards all around the challenge area to safeguard the guests and officials.

Zhan Xian gestures an invitation to his opponent meaning we can begin, usually it should be return but the Barbarian prince just launch forward like a breast and lift up his heavy fist to slam onto Zhan Xian, of course the prince is very agile and thus he dodge it with easy movement and thus many attack from the barbarian prince with his fist or legs are all ended in the air, this makes the Barbarian Prince really angry as he is like a clown where all his attacks ended to nothing. His movements are very clumsy as it could be because of his heavy size and their country are more skilled in wrestling with heavy movements and blows. All enough of dodging and fun, Zhan Xian taps his feet and lifted himself onto the prince shoulder and then he gives a kick to his face, very light to the onlookers but it has been powered with his qi and thus the barbarian prince face swells immediately and then Zhan Xian feet is too fast and the prince didn't even know where is comes from but he has been kick like almost twenty times, on his shoulder, stomach and even his feet that he staggers backwards and fell on his heavy butt, face looking ugly and yelling in pain. Zhan Xian has empowers his kick with full qi and thus, the Barbarian Prince will definitely needs to rest for a month to just resume normal activities or every movement will be in pain.

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