Chapter 68 (I will go home!)

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Chapter 68 (I will go home!)

Zhan Xian is a prince of the Wei Country and so he speak on behalf of his father, the emperor

"We can always have business relationship, don't necessary have to be marriage between the two countries. Sincerity is the most valuable asset in all relationship. I am very sure my father will agree on that" Zhan Xian told him.

The emperor heard every bits of the conversation and he did not want to interfere, he is totally please with all the outcome of tonight.

The emperor then stands up slowly and he asks all his guests and also his court officials

"This is the first time, my son Zhan Xian and his teams of organisers handle all the big and small matter of the Lantern Festival, I personally am very proud of their achievements It beats all the years of the past festivals" the emperor purposely swipe an eye to his empress, who is sitting on the seat like a dead duck. The empress seems lifeless maybe due to hunger, also her face is all black like charcoal with every successful of the Concubine Ching's children. The empress tries her beat to hold on to her status but no one even talk or dare to care about her. The servants are all not from the palace and it seems like Zhan Xian has replaced them with people from the Cheng Tribes and thus no one pay attention to her, the mighty empress at all.

The emperor seems in high spirit tonight and he continue his speech with a wide smile probably from left to right on his face.

"I like to make an announcement, from tonight onwards, the Lantern Festival will be purely on enjoyment and socialising as well as delicious food" the emperor spread his arm to give them the showmanship of the wide spread feast.

This of course earn lots of claps and laughter. Then, the emperor continues in his calm and collected manner,

"Thus, any challengers will be prohibited, if this rule will to be broken, then the person who ever it is have to leave the festival and never be invited back again. I find the idea of challenger not appropriate and stupid when we are all suppose to enjoy the beautiful and peaceful lantern festival. We can make it a night of socialising and exchange of cultural performance and ideas" after the emperor speech, there are claps again roaring the hall.

Zhan Ang is specially relieve because he is the only unmarried or non-partnered prince, he is so happy that he unconsciously hugs his brother Zhan Xian. Zhan Xian loves his little brother and he hugs him tightly and warmly with lots of assurance.

Then, the emperor gestures for his outstanding son Zhan Xian to lead the following Lantern Festival.

Zhan Xian comes out and stand in the middle of the hall

"Next, let's go to the big field where there are lots of white lanterns prepared for everyone to write their wishes and desires on the lanterns and then let it wishes or desires to be carried up into the sky for blessings" Zhan Xian adds in the new items after discussing with the team (Author: I add this as it reminds me of Wei Ying and Lan Zhan drawing and letting of their lantern at the river side at beautiful).

The group of guests and officials are all in surprise but everyone nods their heads in agreement, the thought of "Why fight when there should be enjoyment and peace" kind of love says all that they agreed totally and completely with the emperor. Also, sending out lantern for blessings seems more like it for the essense of Lantern Festival.

The guests and officials are all happily walking and chatting down to the big field that has been lighted up by all sorts of lanterns, there are all shapes of sizes, square, triangle and also the round lanterns. These lanterns are all lighted up making the place like a dreamland, especially with the reflection from the river. All the guests and officials are either pointing to the lanterns and have a discussion about it or some are dumbfounded with the amazing design and shape of it, thus staring without a blink on their eyes.

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