Chapter 62 (Ching-er healing process)

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Chapter 62 (Ching-er healing process)

Wangyi is cheeky and she tilts her little head and leans into Ming Ming's ear

"I think my brother likes you because I saw his pink ears when he saw you, so don't worry" Wangyi smiles gleefully and told Ming Ming.

Zhan Xian stand at the side and then he had a profound realisation

"Wangyi is also gifted as a matchmaker" this is the thought in Zhan Xian mind and he smiles to himself, what a wonder girl he has.

Suddenly, Wangyi jumps and screams

"Time to check the concoction now....." Wangyi told everyone and all of them runs to the table and see the experience that Wangyi is doing.

As only Wangyi is skill in medicine, the other two just wait and look at Wangyi's expression. Wangyi lean over and took out the cover where she puts the concoction together with the swap, when she saw that the concoction has turns crystal clears, there is a huge smile and then suddenly a jump where she forgot and jump onto Zhan Xian and hugs him

"I did it!, I did it!, I found the cure!" Wangyi screams on top of her voice and she is now the tallest of them all, because she is now actually hopping and hugging onto Zhan Xian, and forget thinking she is hugging a family members, either her father, mum or her brother.

Zhan Xian of course had a shock and his hands automatically circle Wangyi's butt and support her, his breathing is heavy and his nose is fill with the intoxicating smell of Wangyi sandlewood smell and with that soft delicate warm body plastering against his own, Zhan Xian even forget to be happy that the cure has been found for his mother. He is not in his right sense now when the beauty hugging him and him hugging her butt. A very complicated feeling in his soul. Zhan Xian feels that his heart is beating, like a battle, trying to break through his rib cage, his skin feels like being tickle with fire, slowly heating up, it starts with the shock of Wangyi's jump and then the closeness of Wangyi that plaster on his skin, causing the fire to ignite and it begins with a tickling sensation and slowing the tickling makes it itch, and then it begin to be too uncomfortable from the itch that it moves into another stage of burn that heat up the skin of Zhan Xian. Zhan Xian is feeling the breath that usually takes in air freely has becomes constricted with his air pipes becomes narrow, the encircling pressure of air trying to find it's way out, thus a great pressure is now making waves in his lungs, making it hard for Zhan Xian to breathe. Those strong muscles that holds the sword through thousands of practises, piercing and anchoring any position commands by Zhan Xian mind now seems numb, not able him to listen to any command. It is like Zhan Xian has been immobilised by some high level "Jianghu" master by pressing on his acupuncture point but in fact it is just him that has been immobilised by carrying his beloved.

The joy is in the air when the cure has been found, however, Ming Ming still has her sense back and when she saw the position of Wangyi by hug by her brother and that little cute Wangyi who still happily pointing her fist in the air thanking the heaven and earth for giving her the cure for Concubine Ching's illness. Ming Ming noticed something in her brother that she has never seen before, her brother eyes is looking straight, the mouth s purse into a thin line, his face is slightly pale and his hand that grab Wangyi's butt is slightly shaking with the happy baby jumping, grabbing and fisting at the same time. Ming Ming had never seen her brother like this, she looks at him and shouted loudly

"Brother, are you alright?"

"Wangyi, you are making my brother like an idiot"

Ming Ming shouted at Wangyi suddenly

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